The Canadian National Newspaper Exopolitics Headlines

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Posts Tagged ‘Ecology

Global Capitalism undermines Environmental protection objectives

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  Life, money & illusion: living on earth as if we want to stay  

Life, money & illusion: living on earth as if we want to stay
by Mike Nickerson
Includes bibliographical references and index.
ISBN 0-9780973-0-0 

Book description: 

“Life, Money & Illusion” explains the odd situation whereby our biggest problems result from our size, (depletion of natural resources; conflict over remaining supplies; and pollution from expanding consumption), yet, governments and industry strive for ever more expansion. In addition to showing how this situation came about, “Life, Money & Illusion” identifies the direction in which a stable relationship with our finite planet can be found, and identifies numerous ways for moving in that direction. 

In the title, “Life” refers to the biological processes by which living things maintain themselves over time; “Money” refers to the present economic ideology that says that as long as the volume of money changing hands increases, all will be well. “Illusion” refers to the fact that these two perspectives are directly opposed in terms of how they would solve current problems. 

“Life, Money & Illusion” introduces the “Question of Direction” by which we can determine the direction that will offer our childrens’ children the most promising future. 

Subject areas: 

1. Human ecology
2. Economic policy
3. Sustainable development 

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Written by thecanadianheadlines

December 11, 2009 at 12:09 am

Climate change undermines Oxygen Producing Ecosystems

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by Dr. John Singh

  Alleged humanoid ethical extraterrestrial

What happens when humans continue to pursue a capitalist economic system, that destroys vital oxygen-producing organisms from phytoplankton, to trees in fragile rainforest ecosystems? That is an easy one, yeh. The result would be a decreasing supply of oxygen in Earth’s atmosphere, in relationship to other toxic gases. The greed-driven Petroleum-based economies of the Western World has put humanity and other life much closer to the brink, than what “mainstream” environmental groups would care to admit.

The Petroleum-based economies carry the cost of starving the Earth of vital oxygen, eventually making our planet’s inhospitable to humans, and other biological organisms.

Written by thecanadianheadlines

November 23, 2009 at 5:31 am