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Biofuels worsen climate change

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Governments and other activists must reject “Biofuels” and other false Solutions to Global Warming

Edited by David Stein

  Soy plants

In reaction to a November 2007 launch of the synthesis report of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC), in Spain, the Global Forest Coalition, a worldwide coalition of NGOs and Indigenous Peoples’ Organisations, has called upon governments to reject so-called “biofuels” and other false solutions to climate change like “carbon trading”. It is now becoming clear that these solutions may in fact make climate change worse, not better, and that they have many other serious social and environmental impacts. [1]

The IPCC report again highlights that climate change…

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Written by thecanadianheadlines

January 7, 2010 at 6:05 am

War on Terrorism and neglience on Environmental issues linked to Eugenics “super-religion”

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by Iain Mackenzie

  Melting Iceberg

Have you ever contemplated why there appears to be a substantive lack of political will to redress worsening global problems in general? Perhaps you might have also thought of the origins of very specific tragedies in the world. Why, for example, did United Nations agencies, various national governments, and large private organizations turn their back of the mass human suffering of the Rwandan genocide?

Why is history being allowed to repeat itself in Darfur, Sudan, and in diverse parts of Africa where rape has become a specifically organized part of contrived tribal warfare in Africa?

What is the Iraq War all about anyway? If the target is in fact, terrorists, why are supposedly freedom-fighting U.S. backed militaries using Depleted Uranium dirty bombs? These documented “dirty bombs” have caused hundreds of thousands of Iraqis, and tens of thousands of U.S. military personnel to die from cancer and other medical complications. Over one million innocent Iraqi civilians have already died as a result of a U.S. military elite endorsed assault.

Why is poverty globally, and in specific cities from Victoria, Regina, Vancouver and Toronto in Canada, to places in other countries like in St. Louis, Washington D.C., Chicago, Detroit, New Orleans, Pittsburgh, Los Angeles in the U.S., to many other cities like London in the United Kingdom, to Soweto in South Africa, now worsening as elites seem to get more and more commercially prosperous?

Why is the vital natural heritage of our planet Earth being apparently wilfully destroyed, and in the process, ruining the quality of living of billions of people on Earth?

It is apparent that Eugenics is the common thread of premeditated instigation and wilful negligence that is associated with much of Earth’s current problems.

Practitioners and promoters of the Eugenics “super religion”, believe… [CONTINUED.. see comment below]

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Written by thecanadianheadlines

December 28, 2009 at 11:17 pm

Kyoto to Copenhagen: Aboriginal elders suggest EBE deception over Climate Change

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by Dr. Bill Lafontaine

  Planet X Orbit graphic
“Planet X” Orbit graphic. Reference:

The elders of Canada’s Aboriginal and indigenous peoples internationally have sought to pass on ancient knowledge to current and future generations toward custodianship of our planet Earth. Part of this knowledge includes an awareness of Manipulative and of apparent Ethical Extraterrestrials. The very elite cliques who have sought to deny Extraterrestrial contacts with humanity, have also sought to perpetrate oppression against the spreading of this vital knowledge by aboriginal peoples, to humanity as a whole. Dr. John Lash accounts of the Gnostics suggest that genocide against indigenous peoples internationally, was in fact, inspired by regressive aliens through organized religions like Biblical Christianity. The alleged objective was to destroy when possible, knowledge that would empower humanity to resist regressive alien processes to assimilate and destroy our Earth.

This awareness includes apparent mass deception over Global Warming. The alleged spreaders of this mass deception are specifically referred in ancient Gnostic documents to be the agents of Biblical Christianity. These Gnostic documents are associated with the Nag Hammadi codices that escaped destruction by Christian operatives.

Elders of indigenous communities suggest that the idea “human activity” is the axiomatic cause of Global Warming, has been spread by the same regressive alien “Link’, that has sought to inflict genocide against humanity, and perpetuate downward spiralling planetary chaos in general. The uncovered ancient Nag Hammadi codices, with particular reference to The First Apocalypse of James, specifically refer to the ‘Link’ as the ‘Archons’. LINK Gnostics described the ‘Archons’ as intelligent inorganic life, or “artificial man”, that has sought to use its highly disciplined and self-serving ego, to parasitize biological life and its connected organic consciousness on Earth.

Zulu Elder Credo Mutwa further documents the Archons as being “shapeshifters” that could transform themselves into human and other forms, for the purposes of infiltrating and manipulating human institutions. Mutwa cites in an interview with Spectrum Magazine writer Dick Martin over 500 African tribes have critical awareness of “shapeshifters”, through tribal contacts with these entities. Ancient Gnostics referred to these entities as “demons from the sky”, that constitutes a critical challenge and threat to human sovereignty and freedom on Earth.

‘The Link’ is therefore regarded from ancient and indigenous knowledge as being a regressive alien ego, that operates on planet Earth through “shapehifting” entities, and willing human minions who have literally sold their soul to ‘The Link’. “Shapeshifters” and essentially willing “human drones” who are motivated by promises of achieving “unlimited power”, as further supported by the research of David Icke, and the testimony of learned scholars of Exopolitics like Michael Salla, are the eyes and ears of ‘The Link’, that misdirect the course of humanity on Earth.

In the planetary issue of Global Warming, indigenous people illuminate the layers of mass-deception further attributed by ancient Gnostics and contemporary researchers to ‘The Link’. Indigenous knowledge and insight reveals that the axiomatic cause of Global Warming is the result of the gravitational effects of an approaching ‘Planet X’ that is returning into Earth’s orbit after a 3,600 year absence.

The observation of an approaching Planet X was reported in the June 19, 1982 edition of the New York Times, that has been published in “Nibiru Exposed”: LINK

  “Something out there beyond the furthest reaches of the known solar system is tugging at Uranus and Neptune. A gravitational force keeps perturbing the two giant planets, causing irregularities in their orbits. The force suggests a presence far away and unseen, a large object, the long-sought Planet X. Astronomers are so certain of this planet’s existence that they have already named it “Planet X – the 10th Planet.”

The anomalous body was first spotted in 1983 by IRAS (Infrared Astronomical Satellite), according to news stories. The Washington Post reported:

  “A heavenly body possibly as large as the giant planet Jupiter and possibly so close to Earth that it would be part of this solar system has been found in the direction of the constellation Orion by an orbiting telescope aboard the U.S. infrared astronomical satellite. So mysterious is the object that astronomers do not know if it is a planet, a giant comet, a nearby ‘protostar’ that never got hot enough to become a star, a distant galaxy so young that it is still in the process of forming its first stars or a galaxy so shrouded in dust that none of the light cast by its stars ever gets through.”


In an article titled, “Another Candidate For ‘Planet X’ Spotted.” posted by MSNBC on October 7, 1999 Alan Boyle stated:

  “Two teams of researchers have proposed the existence of an unseen planet or a failed star circling the sun at a distance of more than 2 trillion miles, far beyond the orbits of the nine known planets… Planetary scientist at Britain’s Open University, speculates that the object could be a planet larger than Jupiter.”


It is apparent that agents of “The Link” observed by indigenous peoples, the ancient Gnostics, and contemporary investigative researchers on Exopolitics, has created two principal camps of mass-deception associated with Global Warming. One camp seeks to inspire a movement that links Global Warming entirely to human activity. The other camp seeks to punch holes through the mantra of lies that the Link itself has generated over its propaganda that the preponderance of Global Warming is human made, by denying it altogether. The result is that ‘The Link’ is able to incite among humans, divisiveness in the style of Archons, that is aimed at misdirecting human energies.

First Nations elders in Saskatchewan
First Nations elders in Saskatchewan.

In contrast indigenous knowledge from Hopi elders seems to suggest that humanity can avoid the destruction that the Mayans prophesised in their calendar that ends in 2012. In order to accomplish this, Hopi seem to suggest a need for humanity to turn away from the lower-dimensional ego -driven consciousness of the Archons, toward the defence of Mother Earth. Hopi elders suggest humanity along with Earth can avoid destruction, by reaching a higher consciousness through appreciating ancient indigenous knowledge and insights on spirituality, i.e. human empathy and ecological custodianship (which does not refer to the ‘simulated spirituality’ of organized religions inspired by the archons). However, indigenous elders cry out that their wisdoms that they were spiritually entrusted to protect for generations, are being drowned about by the preference for the ‘Link’ to pursue an agenda of enslavement, through deception over Global Warming.

The apparent aim of ‘The Link’ is to spread a scientifically plausible explanation for Global Warming. The ‘Link’ is a mass deception engineered context of “divide and rule” also seeks to spread a competing argument system which aims to deny Global Warming altogether. This apparent disinformation context that both seek to deny documented human contacts with Extraterrestrials, also apparently seek to conceal the axiomatic cause of the Global Warming phenomenon, that is linked to the documented approach into Earth’s time-space, of a huge “Planet X”. In The Coming Planet X Panic former CNN science correspondent Marshall Masters documents that noticeable Global Warming is already taking place on a planet as far away as Pluto, in spite of the fact it is moving away from the Sun, as a result of the approaching Planet X: LINK.

  Planet Earth

But, indigenous insight also reveals that ‘The Link’ also is further using mis-direction as to the axiomatic cause of Global Warming, to derail the human consciousness from focusing from focusing much more on the environmental devastation that “The Link” is perpetrating from polluting and denuding Earth’s natural heritage, that includes biodiversity. John Lash indeed mentions that an archon technique is to implant error into the human consciousness, that morphs through the replication of that original error. Thus saving our planet Earth relies upon critically understanding and focusing in our infusing our interconnected spiritual and biotic consciousness/energies, on the challenge of Planet X, and on rescuing our planet from capitalist destruction that is apparently being executed by ‘The Link’ in an ego-driven agenda toward the enslavement of humanity.

Indigenous insight suggests the operatives and drones of ‘The Link’ are further seeking to use the tax and other resources that they can claim supposedly for fighting “Global Warming” primarily for further misdirection into the bloating budgets of what Dr. Salla specifically refers to as the military-industrial-extraterrestrial complex (MIEC).

‘The Link’ has apparently created an elaborate charade over Global Warming, that is being used to create fear in the style of the archons, that can so consume human attention; that the scientists who seek to sound alarm bells on vital environmental issues, can be effectively drowned out.

Lash specifically cites the following Gnostic text:

  The Second Treatise of the Great Seth says that the agenda of the Archons is “fear and slavery.” The Archons wish to keep humankind under “the constraint of fear and worry.” (NHLE 1990, p. 367) Other passages also warn against the Archons’ use of fear as a psychological weapon LINK:

‘The Link’ seeks to implant layers upon layers of misdirection through disinformation, to create fear and mass confusion, that results in artificially generated societal balkanizations, that furthermore prevent “the masses”, or more precisely, retard the human biotic consciousness from unifying.

Apparently, according to the Hopi elders, collective spiritual awakening to a higher consciousness, is a necessary precursor for those who seek to avoid Planet X, in relation to a psychic epicentre of Manipulative Extraterrestrial archons. It is apparent that… [CONTINUED.. see comment below]

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Written by thecanadianheadlines

December 27, 2009 at 9:35 am

Ethical Extraterrestrials, the Global Oxygen Supply and Big Oil

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by Dr. John Singh

  Alleged humanoid ethical extraterrestrial
Alleged humanoid ethical extraterrestrial from the ‘Ummo’ planet.
Editorial reference, LINK .

What happens when humans continue to pursue a capitalist economic system, that destroys vital oxygen-producing organisms from phytoplankton, to trees in fragile rainforest ecosystems? That is an easy one, yeh. The result would be a decreasing supply of oxygen in Earth’s atmosphere, in relationship to other toxic gases. The greed-driven Petroleum-based economies of the Western World has put humanity and other life much closer to the brink, than what “mainstream” environmental groups would care to admit.

The Petroleum-based economies carry the cost of starving the Earth of vital oxygen, eventually making our planet’s inhospitable to humans, and other biological organisms. How do you like the thought of a future of dead oceans, and humans having to rely on oxygen machines that are supplied by the same group of corporations which are responsible for destroying Earth’s oxygen supply in the first place? But, after all, isn’t that what our capitalist system is all about? That is, they create layers of exploitation on top of exploitation in pursuit of avarice, and insatiable commercial profit, and ego-driven power?

The National Geographic documents the following on the production of vitally need oxygen on our planet.

  In the process of photosynthesis, phytoplankton release oxygen into the water. Half of the world’s oxygen is produced via phytoplankton photosynthesis. The other half is produced via photosynthesis on land by trees, shrubs, grasses, and other plants. LINK

The New Scientist magazine further observes that:

  As the Earth’s oceans warm, the masses of tiny plants growing at their surface is declining, say U.S. researchers. Their results show that the productivity of global oceans is tightly linked to climate change and has steadily decreased between 1999 and 2004.

  Global Oxygen Supply
Humanity’s Petroleum-based economies are depleting vital oxygen producing ecosystems on our planet Earth. The continued destruction of oxygen producing phytoplankton in Earth’s oceans, and rainforest areas threatens to render the surface of planet Earth inhospitable without the use of astronaut-like space suits or alternatively “biodome” structures with artificially produced oxygen.

The team was led by Michael Behrenfeld, at Oregon State University, U.S., and used a sensor on NASA’s SeaWiFS satellite to measure different shades of green in the ocean allowed them to watch how chlorophyll in the oceans ebbed and flowed over the past 10 years. They looked at how these changes fitted changes in ocean temperatures and the predictions of computer models.

Their research, published in Nature, revealed two phases. Between 1997 and 1998, the amount of phytoplankton in the seas rose. At this time, the oceans were cooling after the strongest ever El Niño, which had warmed ocean temperatures.

From 1999 to 2004, there was a general warming of the oceans and, the images from space revealed, a persistent decrease in phytoplankton. In some regions, the drops in ocean productivity were often over 30%. Globally, the reductions meant that, between 1999 and 2004, about 190 million tonnes of carbon per year were not absorbed by the tiny plants and converted into organic matter. After 2004, there was a small upturn in productivity. LINK

Alex Collier, an alleged contactee of alleged Ethical Extraterrestrials suggests that our planet Earth is at a near critical Oxygen level.

  The oxygen level in the atmosphere of the planet is less than 18%. It is approximately between 16.5 and 17.7% at any time, anywhere on the planet. This is significant. I want you to know that 3,500 years ago, the oxygen level was 35%. In order to survive, the human body needs to breathe an atmosphere that has at least 15% oxygen content. That is basic biology. The Andromedans say that unless we change our ways of behaving, with all of the industrialization and what we are doing to the planet, we have less than 40 years of oxygen left.

Big Oil companies

Yes, free energy has been withheld from us. We have been lied to, cheated and manipulated. If you go back to the 1960’s and look at the peace marches about nuclear energy, etc., and look at the environment now, you will see that it got worse. The governments are going to try and use this against us — they are going to try and blame us for the result of their greed that has propagated this problem. What did we do?

We made fun of the hippies and people who participated in peace movements. We treated them as a bunch of crackpots. Now, if you look back, you can see that they were right. We have over 150,000 nuclear weapons on this planet, with plutonium that is deadly for 12,000 years. Where are you going to put that stuff.? We all know this, but we do nothing and walk the path of convenience. We’ve all been trained like good little sheep to walk the path of convenience.

Money is a useful tool to create freedom, but it is not God and it is not master. You are about to find out.

Do you think that maintaining the capitalist system is worth the price of a prospective future of suffocation on our planet Earth’s surface? The depletion of the oxygen supply [CONTINUED… see comment below]

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Written by thecanadianheadlines

December 27, 2009 at 12:07 am

Dirty Oil: Tar Sands truth hidden from Canadians

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Special to The Canadian

  Tar Sands

Located beneath 4.3 million hectares of boreal forest, an area the size of Florida, the tar sands are the dirtiest source of oil in the world. Few Canadians know what is happening in northern Alberta. While many may know about Alberta’s immense oil reserves in the tar sands (2nd only to Saudi Arabia) few know the environmental and social devastation that is taking place. The tar sands could destroy over 149,000 square kilometres or Boreal forest an area the size of Florida. By 2020 they are expected to emit more than 141 million tonnes of greenhouse gases – more than double that currently produced by all the cars and trucks in Canada and Alberta is now home to the world’s largest dam and it is built to hold the toxic waste from just one Tar Sands operation.

Tar Sands

The tar sands of Alberta are now the world’s largest industrial operation. Because of their sheer scale, all Canadians have become hostage to their development. Instead of reducing greenhouse gas emissions, Canada is quickly increasing them and fully half of that emissions growth is projected to come from the Tar Sands. This is just beginning.

The Alberta government has already given approvals that will double the size of existing operations, and has been talking with the U.S. government to grow the Tar Sands five-fold in a “short time span” looking to move from 1 million barrels of oil per day to over 5 million. The Tar Sands are now the biggest capital project anywhere on Earth and the biggest energy undertaking anywhere. With the Tar Sands, Canada has become the world’s dirty energy superpower.

A few quick facts:

• The Tar Sands can single handedly prevent Canada from meeting it’s international obligations under the Kyoto protocol. By 2020 the tar sands are expected to release over 141 megatonnes of GHG – twice that produced by all the cars and trucks in Canada.

• An area the size of the state of Florida (149,000 km2) can be leased to oil sands development in the future.

• It takes 3-5 barrels of fresh water to get a single barrel of oil from the tar sands. 350 million cubic metres is the volume of water currently allocated to the tar sands, the equivalent to the water required by a city of two million people.

• Cumulatively, the environmental impact of the tar sands has made Alberta the industrial air pollution capital of Canada, with one billion kilograms of emissions in 2003.

• 600 million cubic feet of Natural gas is used every day – that’s enough to heat more than three million Canadian homes.

• First Nation communities downstream of tar sands operation have been experiencing unprecedented rates of bile and colon cancer, lupus and other diseased that they believe are attributable to tar sands.

• 70% of the crude oil being extracted from the tar sands is exported directly to the United States mostly for use in transportation.

Editorial reference, LINK

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Written by thecanadianheadlines

December 26, 2009 at 11:11 pm

Tar Sands depletes vital fresh water needs

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Oil sands plants typically use two to four barrels of water to extract a barrel of oil from the tar sands, but some extraction methods can use as much as 7 barrels of water. The amount of water needed for the tar sands is seriously lowering the water levels of the Athabasca River, the Mackenzie Valley watershed and other related water sources in the region.

The amount of water which can be recycled back into the watershed is still very low, and contaminated water must be stored in tailings ponds, vast holding tanks the size of lakes, some as large as 15 square kilometres, containing hydrocarbons and other chemical by products from tar sands production. Additionally, toxic water spewing from tar sands production has infected fish and wildlife, causing sickness among Aboriginal peoples downstream.

The amount of water available in Northern Alberta isn’t sufficient to accommodate both the needs of burgeoning oil sands development and preserve the Athabasca River, shows a study done in part by Dr. David Schindler, a University of Alberta biologist considered Canada’s top water expert. The study suggests that the choke point for the province’s oil sands expansion may not be the huge carbon dioxide emissions arising from mining and processing the sticky, bitumen containing tar sands, as is widely assumed, but a lack of water.

internet site reference: LINK
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Written by thecanadianheadlines

December 26, 2009 at 9:12 pm

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Canadian author exposes inadequecies of Kyoto Protocol

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The Kyoto Protocol Is Not Enough!

Replace Capitalistocracy including the GDP Index Toward a New Political Economy of Social Justice and Environmental Protection

by Raymond Samuels II

Part I: ISBN: 1-894839-97-8,
Part II: ISBN: 1-894934-34-2

Book excerpt: There are apparently some people who think that the current “Greenhouse Effect” will simply lead to an “evolutionary” change in the global climate, so that climatic areas in the northern hemisphere like Canada, Scandinavia, Russia, Alaska in the U.S., and Antarctica in the southern hemisphere will become like one big tropical resort area like Tahiti, Cuba, or Jamaica. Soon everyone will be enjoying glorious sunshine, and sipping exotic tropical drinks in Nova Scotia, Baffin Island in the Canadian Arctic, or around the Arctic waters of Siberia, according to people with this apparent view. These people profess a dislike for the cold, and they therefore welcome any change that might eventually get rid of their abhored winter blaaaaahs.

Unfortunately for these people, such a view is not supported by critical scientific evidence, beyond “scientific infomercials” and propaganda pieces that have been sponsored by various well-financed Big Business interests. Indeed, it has been the job of the largely corporate owned mass-media in Canada, and elsewhere, to channel viewers, readers, and listeners into responses which will complement the elite pursuit of insatiable commercial profit. This corporate owned mass-media does not want to draw public attention to the dire fate which awaits the public, if ‘the Economy’ is not rejuvenated in a manner that minimizes social and environmental costs.

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The Kyoto Protocol Is Not Enough! Part I
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The Kyoto Protocol Is Not Enough! Part II
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The large scale ‘owners of capital’ have structured the prevailing capitalistic economy to principally serve their interests in the pursuit of money, status, and power for themselves. Like heroine or “crack” cocaine drug addicts, ‘capitalistocrats’ have become so addicted to the pursuit of a self-absorbing materialistic lifestyle predicted on money, status, and power, they would much rather apparently destroy our planet, and all life along with it, than to change their ways of drug-like abuse. Indeed, the mass-media in the prevailing capitalistocratic systems of Canada, the United States, United Kingdom, continental Europe, and elsewhere, are no less corrupt than the politicians which they are supposedly “holding accountable”.

The mass-media has apparently covered-up the fate that awaits humanity, and the rest of our planet, if there is not an immediate substantive response to the Global Warming threat beyond the relatively superficial responses associated with the extremely slow responses to fulfilling the relatively superficial Kyoto Protocol. Indeed, failure to redress Global Warming with great alacrity, will not mythically result in northern hemispheres being turned into extensions of “tropical paradises”.

The cold air masses that hover over the Arctic and Antarctic climatic areas of the planet are absolutely vital to moderating the temperatures of planet Earth. Global Warming by the irresponsible activities of greed driven private enterprises under American led “global capitalism”, are destroying these vital climatic areas at an alarming rates.

As a human species, we have already witnessed deadly heat waves and humidity. The accompanying worsening cancer causing ultra violet (UV) rays due to rapid accompanying ozone depletion is already creating experiences which almost feel like a form of radiation poisoning. Further accompanying weather cataclysms including more devastating hurricanes like Hurricane Katrina in New Orleans in late Summer 2005, and other such “weather events” are only a relatively small tip of the iceberg so-to-speak. The “hellish” summer of 2005 internationally has poignantly showed relative to the comparatively milder Summer 2004, that changes due to the abusive activities by human beings on the planet can be sudden, and extremely drastic. The current quantuum advancing devastating destructive impacts of American-led “global capitalism” are threatening to precipitate a catastrophic global drought in vital agricultural areas internationally that the world has never ever seen; due to unending rising temperatures, that will make the traditional temperature characteristics of the tropics today (that have benefited from Arctic and Antarctic moderation) seem like comparative ice boxes. Worsening “hellish” summers will lead into hellish other parts of the year also, with the prospective disappearance of the Arctic and Antarctic climatic areas. The inevitable result of such allowed phenomenon will be an ensuing Global Famine that so far, the world has also never seen spreading from the United States and Canada, into Europe and the rest of the World.

The rising temperatures of the oceans would eventually completely destroy all vital air (oxygen) producing plankton. A global crisis in agricultural production would be further accompanied by the cascading rapid dying out of all species in the ocean. The oceans would become dead polluted waters (the Gulf of Mexico has already been basically destroyed, with other parts of the ocean following pursuit).

In such a milieu of Global Famine, the world would be taken over by various warring military camps threatening each other with nuclear annihilation, and privately-run “terrorist” organizations trying to forcibly acquire what little of the Earth is left, for the exclusive use of elites, criminal syndicates, and gangs, leaving “masses” to perish in a milieu of spiralling global starvation, and poverty in a climate of socio-economic chaos and societal upheaval. Indeed, the mass-media has hypocritically ignored the extent to which ‘capitalism’ is actually the root cause of growing apparent “terrorism” as more and more people are turning to violent political extremism, in the face of environmental destruction, related oppression, and overall declines in quality-of-living.

Having destroyed the air-producing ocean life, and rainforests under a greed driven ethos of capitalism, soon even the Global Air Supply would become threatened with the overall rapid decay of vital ecosystems. Global Warming promises the convert the whole Earth not into a tropical paradise, but rather into a giant coffin, where all life on the planet will miserably perish. The Earth will eventually become very similar to Mars sooner than you think, unless the whole economic system can rejuvenated from its self-destructive path of Global Warming and accompanying pollution including ozone depletion. The human race will simply become a footnote for other possible space exploring advanced species in the universe to study in their future scientific missions of archaeological discovery, unless humanity changes from its current overall destructive ways.

People in their communities can either choose to play Ninetendo games, and worry about various other materialistic lifestyle considerations in “blissful ignorance”, in the image of the elites who prevail over self-destructive capitalistocracies, or alternatively, people can choose to rally their governments for vitally needed social change. ‘Sober’ members of the diverse public must either become actively engaged in redressing the shortcomings of the prevailing economic system, or face the dire consequences of their jaded attitudes. Members of the diverse public who are concerned about their immediate quality-of-survival cannot afford to be complacent. These members of the diverse public must use what little that remains of destroyed democratic systems (that have been taken-over by the substantive operation of ‘capitalistocracy’) to challenge corrupted government leaders.

Government leaders have allowed themselves to be seduced and “bought-out” by self-serving greed-driven interests, that operate against the vital affirmation of the quality-of-living interests of the diverse public that these leaders were supposedly elected to serve; and against the interests of quality-of-living seeking human beings internationally. So far, these government leaders have chosen to substantively ignore capitalistocractic activities that precipitate Global Warming, and accompanying…

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Written by thecanadianheadlines

December 14, 2009 at 10:24 pm

Canada’s First Nations warn humanity on Climate Change, War on Terror, Extraterrestrials, and Planet X

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by Thahoketoteh of Kanekota

  Planet X Orbit graphic
“Planet X” Orbit graphic. Reference:

The truth about the weather phenomena here on the 3rd stone from the sun has been obfuscated by the controllers of the mind. The biggest story on earth in 3600 years has been intentionally withheld from the people. AOL has recently released photos and a story about “Planet X” because soon everyone on earth will see the second sun and her planets coming in the sky, so they will no longer to be able to spin it for their advantage.

It is our binary twin and is where we come from.

The earth is now in a daily wobble, aligning her north pole first to “Planet X” and then to the sun, this is what is causing most of the weather abnormalities. Al Gore and his elite brethren have been feeding everyone a line of bull with the global warming scam. They show themselves as the serpents that they are. Soon everyone on earth will see the twin coming fast. A few years ago the privately owned NASA reportedly installed a multi million dollar telescope at the south pole (SPT), as it is the only place that this can be seen until the twin comes above the ecliptic plane. There have been a few champions for humanity who have gotten actual photos from the SPT and published them on the web.

The planets in our solar system will all change their orbits and alignments in the next few years, as they always do on this “natural cycle”. There will be a pole shift here on earth and many will not survive the cataclysm. This elite-driven “war on terror” was designed to continue their myth for the next 3600 years after the shift. They really do want to start a nuclear war or “Armageddon”, so that when the dust settles and the waters recede, they can blame the cataclysm on man, propagate a new myth and rule for the next 3600 years.

They have allegedly been building underground cities all across the globe for awhile now. They will try to secure all the guns and will come out and try to take control again.

The significance of this shift, is beyond their control as the minds of the people are also going through an evolution or “shift” to higher consciousness. We are evolving as a species on this shift. The Mayans call this the fifth sun and say it is the ethereal sun.




We are grateful to people who have tried to get this information out to the people in the last few years. I like this video as it’s creators are obviously schooled in astronomy and have done the math, VIDEO LINK

If you would like more information you can find it on the web. I have saved much information in my YouTube file, LINK under favourites, and I suggest you check out as much as you can.

Unity, Strength, Peace.



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Pagan Gnostics suggest Extraterrestrial minions spawning Counterfeit Environmentalism

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by Ian Mackenzie

  Frank de Jong
Frank de Jong is the leader of the Green Party of Ontario. Much of the leadership of Green Parties and large environmental organizations, are apologists of capitalism.

The article titled “Humanity must free itself from Manipulative Extraterrestrial mimicry Gnostics suggests”, explores learned and other researched testimony on regressive aliens. LINK It has been alleged by ancient and modern testimony, that ‘human mimics’ or “shapeshifters” have sought to operate within a broader context of an artificial-intelligence-inspired simulated reality.

The purpose of mimicry specifically, and the broader context of simulated reality, has been an alleged agenda to deceive, exploit, divide, rule, conquer, and eventually destroy humanity. It aims to feed an ego-driven agenda.

When considering the environmental crisis both in Canada, and as a global phenomenon, many people would name the famous culprits. Big Oil transnational companies have been frequently exposes by environmental groups, for pursuing a greed-driven agenda against environmental “sustainability”. The Alberta Tar Sands, has been an evocative example of Big Oil’s path of destruction on the environment. Resistance to the Kyoto Protocol by the Prime Minister Stephen Harper government in Canada, has been used by environmental groups to draw the public’s attention to the current Canadian government being a co-culprit in the plight of our environment.

But, critical examination of the broad message of environmental movements, suggests that the elites that orchestrate the messages of these organizations may very well, be at the root of humanity’s continuing spiral into a planetary destruction of vital ecosystems.

Indeed, most so-called environmental activists, along with their official organizations, are selling “fake” or “cop-out environmentalism”, as if the acceptance of their approaches would lead to an enduring stabilization of deteriorating ecosystems. These “simulated activists” seek to convince “the masses” that their approaches represent their cure-all to our environmental woes.

The use of corn
The use of corn as so-called “renewable” and “clean” energy, while the quality-of-living of many hundreds of millions of people suffer on a daily basis, from a lack of food, is categorically unethical.

Upon critical evaluation, it is arguably apparent that the approaches of large environmental groups, would treat, by and large, symptoms of our environmental woes rather than the causes. As a result, the elites of environmental organizations, have frustrated the development of the kind of environmental consciousness, that would be necessary for there to be a responsible societal transformation, toward human custodianship of vital ecosystems.

The idea of “sustainable development” that is proselytized by environmental elites is a scam, in behalf of “sustainable market profit” interests, that is designed to fool the masses into the belief that capitalism can be tamed to complement environmental objectives. However, the elites of environmental organizations have apparently sold their soul out to “philanthropic” capitalists who seek to co-opt these organizations. Having sold their soul out to capitalistocracy, environmental groups spread messages which reflect the social control agenda of sellers-of-souls.

Campaigns for “Biofuels” like ethanol, is an other example of a message that is being spread by “simulated environmental activists”. Biofuels are made from not only further destroying Nature in general; but are also converting potential vital food sources needed for billions by starving people globally, into fuel. Biofuels, are categorically unethical. Biofuels, are another form of “counterfeit environmentalism” funded by the very political-military-industrial complex that is linked to Petroleum corporate interests, and to the targets of the regressive aliens. It is apparent that Biofuels are part of a Eugenic depopulation and exploitation agenda that researchers like John Lash through the ancient Gnostics documentation, have linked to demonic alien consciousnesses.

  Sustanaible development
The environmental movement has become by and large a legitimator of capitalism, through “sustanaible development” rhetoric, and other forms of apparent disinformation.

The article titled “Humanity must free itself from Manipulative Extraterrestrial mimicry Gnostics suggests”, explores the extent to which Manipulative Extraterrestrials, allegedly seek to infiltrate human institutions through the use of ‘human mimics’, with an alien agenda. LINK Gnostics suggest that elite-driven organizations, harbour egomaniacal tendencies which make them vulnerable to regressive alien manipulations. The Gnostics specifically referred to these regressive aliens as ’Archons’.

The typical gatherings of environmental groups ranging from the Green Party to groups like the Sierra Club are within the ossified confines of the same kind of officious stuffy meetings, that one can find being conducted in Canada’s largest corporations, and in government. The leaders of these environmental groups reflect the same kind of mentalities found in the political-military-industrial complex, that has been accused of frustrating progressive environmental change.

Mare Orientale Crater: Click to Enlarge

Capitalism, as an administrative system, which creates a context of predatory exploitation and of legitimated greed, must be replaced by a mutual and by a empathy-driven context, before any kind of progressive environmental change can take place. Furthermore, campaigns conducted by environmental groups, which are directed at getting people to change their light bulbs, are part of a public relations gimmick being executed by “simulated activists”. These “simulated activists” as operatives of an elite-agenda, seek to drown out the messages of sincere counter-culture activists who seek to spread critical awareness about capitalism, as a fundamental ecological threat to human quality-of-survival.

“Simulated activists” are arguably, the “Trojan horses” of environmental movements. Such so-called “activists” act consistent with alleged ‘human mimics’ in relation to simulated reality that is elaborated in “Humanity must free itself from Manipulative Extraterrestrial mimicry Gnostics suggests”. LINK Simulated activists appear to engage in political theatric presentation of themselves, as great champions for change, even though their apparent real agenda is to defend the legitimacy of capitalism.

Capitalism in fact, works against the elevation of human consciousness toward a progressive social ecological transformation. This is because capitalism promotes a culture of crass materialism which results in the treatment the environment as simply untapped resources that may be exploited in behalf of economic “prosperity”. The effort by environmentalists, to campaign for “sustainable development” and “conservation” is an implicit disinformation campaign which aims to keep public attention away from focusing on the basic predatory ethic of capitalism.


A vigorous return to the ethic of the Beat Generation in the 1960’s which embraced a critical spirit of introspection and social engagement, is the kind of elevated consciousness that is currently needed to save planet Earth from environmental destruction, with the cooperation of so-called environmental groups.

Gnostics suggest that, Manipulative Extraterrestrials seek to break down a vital human consciousness of each other and of Nature, through the use of a simulated reality context of capitalism which aims to inspire irrational quality-of-life and an emphasis on greed.

Simulated environmental activists apparently provide Manipulative Extraterrestrials with a conduit for deceiving and for manipulative direction that seeks to repress public dissent against capitalism as the fundamental cause of prevailing environmental problems. John Lash in suggests that it is vitally important for the collective consciousness of humanity to begin to detect the attempt of regressive archonic aliens, to achieve mis-direction through mass-deception techniques.

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Lower-Dimensional Alien Consciousnesses drives Alberta Tar Sands Ecological Disaster

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by Peter Tremblay

  Scheduled For Destruction
Stepehen Harper goverment is pursuing a course of environmental destruction that is inspired by virtual reality inspired computer generated commercial profit simulations.

The Alberta Tar Sands, is a great example how Canadians and humanity in general, is being manipulated by an apparent self-serving alien consciousness. This alien consciousness had been documented in great detail by the ancient Gnostics, as revealed by Dr. John Lash. The ancient Gnostics through a process of critical spiritual introspection discovered what they referred to as “artificial man”, that sought to use its technology to deceive humanity into accepting an alien Virtual Reality illusion. LINK The Gnostics seems to be attempting to describe what we would now refer to as an inorganic cyborg-like “artificial intelligence” that has sought to use its ‘mechanical consciousness’ to warp the quality-of-survival instincts of humanity. LINK

Suppose you were living in a polluted urban area, and decided to move your family to an area with cleaner air, and an overall better environmental quality, to support the longevity of you together with your family. Suppose that new area and new home you chose bordered on a beautiful hilly and protected forested area, consisting of vibrant ecosystems of trees, streams teeming of fish, and land-bound wildlife like rare birds.

Environmental Destruction
Environmental Destruction.

You might consider yourself to be very lucky, living is a sort of paradise of earth, invigorated by your natural surroundings with fresh air, and wonderfully tasting crystal clear water. You might have also noticed that you felt somewhat cool, compared to the hot, muggy, and smog filled area that you became accustomed to in the city you left. Well, just contemplate, if you will, what you might feel like, if you went to bed one night, and the next day, the paradise that bordered your backyard was replaced by a cancer-causing wasteland, that arguably looked worse than the surface of the moon.

How would you feel about your home now bordering such an unsightly wasteland that was generating the stench of polluted air, and pools of polluted water, that began to cause your family and friends in your new neighbourhood to suffer from rare leukemia and other life-threatening ailments? Would you jump for joy if in the process of losing your paradise, and your previous quality-of-life, because you got some new tax-breaks, and that you could now buy a big screen television for less, since the value of the dollar when up, as a result of your backyard turning into a cancerous wasteland?

Logic suggests that you probably wouldn’t be jumping for joy, would you? Especially with all the headaches, and other debilitating symptoms you, your family and new friends would have to be now dealing with.

John Lash has illuminated Gnostic documentation of an alien consciousness that creates the kind of fantasy reality, designed to induce humanity to accept the progress represented by such a toxic and Greenhouse gas emissions producing wasteland. Apparently it is that type of alien consciousness which has led human beings into accepting such apparent schemes as the Alberta Tar Sands. Canadians are being led to believe that such schemes somehow support “our prosperity”, rather than for the debilitation that such schemes substantively represents.

The Alberta Tar Sands project, is a scheme to clear-cut down a vibrant and vital Canadian boreal forest, and replace it with a cancer-causing field of toxicity that is larger than anything before it the world has ever seen.

You might have heard of the kind of public health hazards that have been created by small city dumps, and various even small mining operations. Well picture in your mind a mining operation larger than size the whole of the American State of Florida. You might have not neither heard of such a detail on CBC, nor read of such an alarming detail in the National Post, or recent proclamations in the Globe and Mail glorifying the Tar Sands.

Alberta Tar Sands in being planned to destroy vital Boreal Forest ecosystem larger than the American State of Florida.

How much of a health hazard do you think that a Tar Sands project which is expected to become when it is larger than size of the American state of Florida, might represent? Compare such a project to some of the most infamous historical episodes of contamination, which include the Love Canal neighbourhood in the Niagara Falls, New York area, which is a very small area by comparison?

The sheer size of this toxic wasteland that is being created by the Stephen Harper government, to export oil largely to the Petrol guzzling monster of the U.S. political-military-industrial complex, is an outrage.

The Stephen Harper government that supposedly has been represented by the mass-media, as finally providing representation to the people of Alberta is a further layer of a virtual reality fantasy.

Mr. Harper has sold out current and generations of Alberta, through a project, that could very well support a point of no return on rescuing our planet from the ravages of Global Warming.

Canadians, are creating a multi-faceted environmental catastrophe of toxicity many thousands of times worse than the infamous Love Canal in western New York State.

Canadians are being lead to ignore the lessons of history which include the much smaller scale example of Love Canal

According to the United States Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) in 1979, residents exhibited a “disturbingly high rate of miscarriages. The Love Canal can now be added to a growing list of environmental disasters involving toxics, ranging from industrial workers stricken by nervous disorders and cancers to the discovery of toxic materials in the milk of nursing mothers.” LINK

In one case, two out of four children in a single Love Canal family had birth defects; one girl was born deaf with a cleft palate, an extra row of teeth, and slight retardation, and a boy was born with an eye defect. LINK A survey conducted by the Love Canal Homeowners Association found that 56% of the children born from 1974-1978 had a birth defect. LINK

Market prosperity as expressed through the Alberta Tar Sands as an Artificial intelligence generated scenario

Projections associated with the Alberta Tar Sands
Virtual reality inspired commercial profit related projections associated with the Alberta Tar Sands.

You might be thinking, well, you got me interested or maybe even intrigued, but how did this apparent Gnostic identified artificial intelligence, get us as Canadians specifically, and humans in general, to popularly accept the Alberta Tar Sands as a leading to a blessing as ‘prosperity’?

The represented prosperity of the Alberta Tar Sands project, like other such vaunted projects in the Global Economy, has been created though a kind of Three-Dimensional Simulation. What kind of Three-Dimensional Simulation you might enquire? The Global Economy is an apparent Three-Dimensional Simulation, analogous to a video game. The artificial alien intelligence identified by the Gnostics has used the basic principles associated with the motivational virtual reality features of a video game, and projected that into a Three-Dimensional context on top of our planet Earth.

  Greenhouse Gas
Alberta Tar Sands in pushing Earth toward a planetary Greenhouse Gas tipping point.

Canadians specifically and humanity in general who rejoice about the “prosperity” of the Alberta Tar Sands project, and other such similar schemes, have their mind caught in what is arguably a sophisticated video game, where they have confused a substantive reality of living in a toxic stew, with a manipulated alien fantasy. John Lash documents that the Gnostics sought to warn humanity about the very kind of alien consciousness, that appears to be responsible for the Alberta Tar Sands, and any other such quality-of-living endangering schemes that humans have accepted as being desirable (because these schemes can be made to be “commercially profitable”).

Have you ever seen people competing against each other playing a video game seemingly obsessed about seeing who could accumulate the most points, by playing through various computer generated scenarios, including vanquishing fantasy enemies, that display simulations of violent acts?

Gnostic insight suggests that the aliens that they discovered as manipulative consciousness have induced a video game like simulation into the human mind, where the human players through a form of hypnotic induction, begin to confuse the simulated conventions of a mesmerizing sophisticated video game, with what is real or vital to quality of human survival.

Virtual reality
A “primitive” version of a Three Dimension virtual reality game.

John Lash’s, and his book entitled Not in His Image: Gnostic Vision. Sacred Ecology, and the Future of Belief, presents a detailed documentation of Gnostic insights, that seem to be from a desire to inspire humanity to spiritually awaken itself to the nature of this alien intrusion. John Lash provides critical insights on how this alien mechanical consciousness, has used organized religion to socially engineer humanity into accepting a “programming virtual reality matrix”. The Global Economy, that is producing “virtual reality crediting/commercial profit scenarios” to corporations, but quality-of-living destroying Global Warming producing mega-projects like the Alberta Tar Sands, and that has turned humanity against each other through virtual reality manipulation.

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Click to Enlarge
Virtual reality inspired corporate commercial profit computer-generated projections.

Suppose you were playing a video game, and accumulated points that you could now use to either play other shiny new even more exciting video games that you sought to also became successful at playing, or to earn computer-generated prizes, through having beaten successive human opponents. The obsession of the accumulation of money in the Global Economy, which is accompanied by delusions of prosperity, such as that represented by the Alberta Tar Sands, has been created though the confusion of a Three-Dimensional virtual reality-based alien mechanical consciousness.

Through the acceptance of virtual reality scenarios, humans are being lead into the apparent enslavement agenda of a mechanical consciousness.

John Lash’s illumination of a Gnostic process of critical human introspection, inspires humanity in a colloquial reasoning context so-to-speak, to remove the lower-dimensional mechanical consciousness from the human psyche, so that collectively we can begin to live a life, which seeks to affirm our humanity, rather than to accept alien virtual reality scenarios. Gnostics appreciated that, in humans making themselves aware of the existence of alien consciousness, we can put ourselves into favourable existential position to detect any directed intrusion by such alien consciousness, against our human free will, and our planetary sovereignty.

The attempt by religious, political, military, and economic-industrial elites to repress knowledge of sentient alien intelligences, which include Extraterrestrials and UFO phenomena, is an attempt by these elites to repress the ability of humanity to critically become aware of how the entire Global Economy has become an alien virtual reality ruse. The indices of prosperity associated the Alberta Tar Sands project, which include a rising Gross Domestic Product (GDP), and rising purchasing power for primary beneficiaries of this Project, and other such schemes, are the creation of simulated computer generated algorithms and scenarios.

Gnostic insights presented by John Lash illuminate that the alleged wealth of the whole financial system, and the stock exchange as an indication of economic prosperity or “recession”, are “artificial conventions” instituted by apparent human minions in league with artificial intelligences.

The Global Economy as seen and experienced through capitalism is not about what happens to people. Rather it is a Three-Dimensional artificial intelligence scenario of “winners” and “losers”, through the creation of similar artificial point score conventions (in this case monetary value) that are evident in a video game.

Western civilization, as the centre of the capitalist economic framework. could be appreciated as layer upon layer of virtual reality scenarios, that motivate human beings through the exercise of greed to shape themselves into the image of artificial intelligences. These artificial intelligences inspire an economy where humans in order to accumulate “monetary points”, will seek to emulate and serve the agenda of the mechanical consciousness of artificial intelligences. The dystopia represented by the Alberta Tar Sands, is the kind of mis-direction John Lash illuminated in his learned exposition of Gnostic insights.

Have you ever picked up an economic textbook, and seen the cold display of a sophisticated but austere mathematically guided artificial intelligence of interesting graphs and other statistical generated projections? Apparent alien artificial intelligences have sought to condition humanity into accepting the sacredness of its trappings of virtual reality-based success (associated with virtual reality inspired “financial points” accumulation).

Gnostics. present the existence of what they referred to as an alien “artificial man” which produces “error” in the human psyche that inspires societally assigned value for projects such as the Alberta Tar Sands.

Indeed the data that government and participating Petroleum interests can present to Canadians impute that the Tar Sands is essentially desirable for Canada; but these imputations have been guided by the feeding data into computer-generated scenarios. This process is in turn conditioned by apparent alien artificial intelligences that have tricked humanity into accepting virtual reality financial-stipulated scenarios of prosperity.

However, the substantive reality that the Alberta Tar Sands represents is the following:

The Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) documents that the “Tar Sands development is the single largest contributor, and fastest growing source of Canada’s greenhouse gas emissions”. And also “due to the tar sands, Alberta is ranked as the industrial pollution capital of Canada.” By 2020, the tar sands plants are expected to produce emissions equivalent to more than 141 million tonnes of CO2 per year- that’s more than double the emissions of ALL of the cars and trucks in Canada. LINK

Scheduled For Destruction
A “primitive” version of a Three Dimension virtual reality game.

Production of tar sands oil currently releases 3-5 times more GHG emissions than from conventional sources. Conventional oil, produces an average of 28.6 kg of carbon dioxide per barrel of oil, while tar sands oil produces a whopping 85.5 kg (according to the Pembina Institute). The National Energy Board (NEB) estimates the amount to be even higher, at about 125 kg of carbon dioxide released for every barrel of oil. LINK

This substantive reality also documented by the IPCC is that to produce one barrel of oil, 4 tonnes of material are mined, 2-5 barrels of water are used to extract the bitumen, and enough natural gas to heat 1.5 homes for a day is used. LINK

Tar sands development requires and consumes an enormous amount of water — current projects remove about 349 million m3 of water from the Athabasca River each year, equivalent to about 140,000 swimming pools or twice the amount of water the City of Calgary uses per year. The tar sands are the largest user of groundwater in Alberta. LINK

This is water that could have been kept to sustain flourishing ecosystems, which includes clean drinking water for Albertans in neighbouring communities

Tar sands’ water allocations accounts for 65% of the water withdrawals from the Athabasca River every year. Tar Sands water use requirements are resulting in lower water levels in freshwater aquifers, rivers, streams, lakes, ponds and wetlands. LINK

It takes three to five barrels of water to produce one barrel of oil. LINK

For In Situ extraction alone, 24,000 m3 of water will be needed DAILY for steam production and processing. LINK

The Tar Sands are a mixture of sand, clay, and a very heavy crude oil called bitumen, which is tar-like and does not flow on its own. To get the oil out of the ground, trees are cut down, the surface layer is strip-mined, and the underlying mixture is heated with steam in order to make it flow.

Because the bitumen is very low quality, it is then processed and refined to turn it into synthetic crude oil which can be used as fuel. LINK

  Fort McMurray
Rare cancers and other ailments linked to the Alberta Tar Sands have been reported in Fort McMurray.

Greenpeace, also documents that the largest reserves of accessible tar sands are located in northern Alberta, Canada, amidst what has been pristine, untouched wilderness and under millions of hectares of boreal forest. The closest town is Fort McMurray, and there are a number of small communities located downstream from tar sands projects, where residents are already suffering from the effects of pollution caused by the tar sands. LINK

The Tar Sands Project requires process of extracting oil, is worse than conventional oil extraction, because it takes immense quantities of water, and huge amounts of dirty energy to create the steam needed to get oil out of tar sands, and processing the bitumen requires the use of even more dirty energy.

But exploiting the tar sands goes farther than simply using up water, electricity, coal and natural gas. The air is polluted with nitrogen oxides and sulphur dioxide, water is contaminated with toxic chemicals, as millions of hectares of wilderness are being destroyed. LINK

Tar Sands creating Cancer-causing Polluted Water

Tar sands operations require the use of vast quantities of water, which become contaminated and must be stored in huge tailing ponds. This both depletes local water reserves and threatens to pollute the environment and nearby communities. LINK

Toxic Tailings Ponds

Canada’s tar sands also known as oil sands, are found in the three areas of the province of Alberta. Largest area is the Athabasca oil sands, where an estimated 20 percent is near enough to the surface that it can be mined for tar like bitumen to turn into synthetic crude oil..

During the process of separating bitumen from the tar sands, large amounts of water are mixed in with the sand, and once the oil has been removed, the leftover mixture of water, sand, clay and residual bitumen – known as tailings – has to be stored in a stable location so that the solution can settle and separate. The storage facilities are known as tailings ponds. Because each cubic metre of bitumen extracted results in three to five cubic metres of tailings that need to be stored, the tailings ponds are so enormous that they can be seen by the naked eye from outer space.

Other “wastewater” is also stored in human-made holding lagoons such as sewage, water used for cooling, and water that has come into contact with coke, asphaltenes, sulphur, or heavy metals. This tactic is supposed to prevent the contamination of groundwater and river systems, but there is concern that this is not working properly. LINK

What is so toxic about these ponds?

In most mining operations, harsh chemicals are needed to separate the minerals from the sand or rock that they are embedded in. For example, in gold or copper mining, arsenic and cyanide are often used, so tailings in those operations are extremely poisonous. In the tar sands, naphtha and paraffin are used, but they are supposed to be separated from the water before it is pumped into the tailings pond.

However, the byproducts of the petroleum itself are dangerous and known to kill the microorganisms which would ordinarily be present in a river or natural wetlands. Scientists state that the most dangerous contaminant in tar sands tailings water is naphthenic acid, a natural constituent of petroleum that becomes dissolved and concentrated in the hot water used to process the tar sands.

Repeated exposure to naphthenic acid can have adverse health effects upon mammals, causing liver problems and brain haemorrhaging, and higher concentrations lead to more serious effects. Another component of the tailings is alkyl-substituted polyaromatic hydrocarbon, which causes deformities and even death to birds exposed to it.

Besides the toxic chemicals that are contained within the tailings, the water in these storage facilities attracts methanogenic bacteria, which produce methane, a greenhouse gas. The methane bubbles change the composition of the tailings pond and make some of the other dangerous toxins in the water more concentrated.

The oil companies’ response to these dangers is to fire airguns around the tailings ponds to prevent any birds and animals from coming near it. A more serious risk is that these ponds are leaking into the groundwater in the area, and into the Athabasca River. Another fear is that companies will stop operating in the area (if the oil runs out, or if profit margins go down), and stop maintaining the facilities. LINK

Water Pollution

Tar Sands is destroying Alberta's Ground Water
Tar Sands is destroying Alberta’s Ground Water.

Naphthenic acids are persistent and hard to disperse from the environment. They are released in high concentrations from tar sands projects, so people who live downstream have serious fears about contaminated water, fish and wildlife. Mercury contamination is another risk, because when the wetlands which originally covered the tar sands are drained, high concentrations of mercury can be released into the surrounding water bodies.

Recently, people living in Fort Chipewyan (a First Nations community downstream from the tar sands projects) began to publicise their concerns about the effects of water pollution on their health. Since tar sands development has been accelerating over the past few years, they have noticed greater incidences of cancer and diseases like lupus and multiple sclerosis in their community. LINK

Tar sands and health

The main health concerns related to the tar sands are associated with air and water pollution. In addition to carbon dioxide and other greenhouse gases, tar sands operations also emit other substances into the atmosphere, most notably nitrogen oxide, sulphur oxide, particulate matter and volatile organic compounds.

Breathing in nitrogen oxide and sulphur oxide often leads to respiratory problems, and particulate matter has been linked to diseases such as asthma, bronchitis, emphysema and various forms of heart disease. Volatile organic compounds can cause even more serious problems, from cancer to brain damage.

The presence of toxic chemicals or heavy metals in lakes and rivers affects drinking water, as well as the health of animals and fish that drink from the water, or live in it. When human beings eat the animals or fish they are also eating the chemicals consumed by the animal. There have been reports of mutations in animals and fish in ecosystems downstream from tar sands projects, and people who live in the area are very concerned that increased health problems may be linked to contaminated food and water sources. LINK

Communities downstream from the tar sands are already experiencing cancer rates far higher than can be explained by change. These debilitating ailments include leukemia, lupus, lymphomas, autoimmune diseases, and rare forms of cancer have all increasing in recent years in the population that is for the most part made up of Athabasca Chipewyan and Mikisew Cree First Nations.

A high number of such illnesses have been diagnosed in Fort Chipewyan, a community of about 1,200 people living 300 kilometres north of Fort McMurray.

This could be an early sign of things to come for hundreds of thousands of Albertans, if the Alberta Tar Sands continues on its pace to take up an area larges than the American State of Florida.

The Tar Sands and the Boreal Forest

When we as Canadians cut down forests like the Boreal, we essentially destroy the ability of that area to act as a carbon sink. But not only do we suffer a loss of carbon absorption, we also release masses of stored carbon back into the atmosphere: a serious double-whammy. If that weren’t bad enough, clearing and burning rainforests releases great amounts of methane, ozone and nitrous oxide into the atmosphere as well.

4.3 million hectares of the Boreal Forest cover the tar sands, and these are being clearcut so that oil companies can access the tar underneath. The Boreal Forest has been referred to as the lungs of our planet, and tar sands operations threaten to destroy an area the size of Florida.

The Boreal Forest is a highly complex ecosystem that supports a vast array of plants and wildlife including grizzly bears, wolverine, woodland caribou and over a billion birds. It represents more than 25% of all ancient forests that is left on the planet and is a source of clean water for millions of Canadians. The Boreal Forest is home to hundreds of First Nations communities that depend on the forest for their sustenance, jobs and traditional activities. Many of the areas under development in the Boreal Forest are subject to land claims and disputes.

The Boreal Forest also has particular value as a storehouse of carbon, holding more than 47 billion tonnes in its trees and soils. When the forest is cut down and soils are disturbed by heavy machinery, carbon from this storehouse is released into the atmosphere, further exacerbating global warming.

Unfortunately unsustainable development, including the tar sands, is taking its toll on the Boreal Forest. For example, woodland caribou, a species threatened with extinction, have seriously declined in Alberta as a result of the loss of their habitat in the Boreal Forest. LINK

Tar sands and Social Costs

It is often argued that the social and economic benefits of tar sands activities outweigh the environmental harm they cause. This is clearly not the case in Alberta. The pace of tar sands development has exceeded the ability of anyone to deal with the social consequences.

Economically, Albertans are finding times tougher than ever. Inflation and consumer prices in Calgary and Edmonton are rising exponentially. Basic needs like housing are becoming unaffordable as demand outstrips supply. Services by skilled tradespeople (mechanics, plumbers, etc.) are expensive and hard to find because so many skilled workers are working on tar sands projects. Access to health care is becoming more and more difficult. Even traffic is getting worse — commute times are longer, accident rates are higher, and because most of the oil from the tar sands goes to the United States, even the price of gas is high.

People working in the tar sands are seeing “fat paycheques“, but there are enormous corresponding downsides: long hours, abusive situations, bad accommodation, remote locations, and a lack of job security are common complaints. Worker safety is another problem as drilling rigs and mine sites are some of the most dangerous work environments, and Alberta’s industrial accident rate increased by 17% between 2004 and 2006.

These are not the kind of details that neither Mr. Harper nor his confederates presents to Canadians, when he labels the Alberta Tar Sands as leadings Albertans to “prosperity“.

Many communities in Alberta feel they are being destroyed by the economic changes. Substance abuse, gambling and family violence has increased in towns near tar sands projects, and as thousands of workers are brought in by oil companies, towns in Northern Alberta face housing crunches and much higher costs. Homelessness in Edmonton increased by 19% in 2006 as there is not enough infrastructure or social services in Alberta to accommodate the increased population.

Fort McMurray Medical Examiner Dr. John O’Connor says he’d like some answers before more developments are approved. O’Connor says he is diagnosing unusually high numbers of immune system diseases affecting the thyroid and less serious ones such as rhumatoid arthritis and skin rashes.

He has also treated five people in the community who died recently from a rare, almost always fatal cancer that should occur once in every 100,000 people.

“With my increasing lack of ability to explain why I’m seeing such numbers, it worries me and it does call for a health study to be initiated as soon as possible,” says O’Connor.

However the apparent non-biological artificial intelligences that have inspired the virtual reality fantasy of “prosperity” associated with the Tar Sands, are not interested in protecting the quality-of-life of Canadians, who are being callously destined to be exposed to a larger than the State of Florida size wasteland many thousands of times the size of the Love Canal.

Gnostic-inspired reflections

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Gnostics suggest that humans must liberate themselves as a species, toward embracing a substantive reality that is inextricably associated with the custodianship of Earth’s biosphere. Gnostic correspondingly suggest that humanity must liberate themselves from the mutually reinforcing virtual reality conventions that are prevalent and from scenarios in society from organized religion, and from prisms of virtual reality inspired capitalist economic development. Gnostics warn that based upon their critical insights of these alien intelligences, that a failure to do so, would result in a prospective future in which humanity could eventually wake itself too late, from an operating substantive reality of complete enslavement and self-destruction under conquering manipulative aliens.

Gnostic insights therefore, suggests that the Alberta Tar Sands do not merely expose a conflict between “the goals of an environmental movement”, and the “necessary courses of action to maintain a prosperous economic future”. Rather, Gnostic insights suggest that the Alberta Tar Sands exposes a cosmological conflict between apparent alien mechanical consciousnesses — that have taken over our Global Economic framework through the trickery of computer generated simulated reality — and the awakening of the organic consciousness of humanity.

While humanity has been awakening to its vital cosmological and existential association with Earth’s biosphere, the apparent alien guided and greed-driven human spokespersons for artificial intelligences have continued to try to trick humanity into accepting the greater alleged importance of a virtual reality prism of “prosperity“.

The primary beneficiaries of the apparent virtual reality ruse of the Global Economy, seek to perpetuate the repression of human knowledge of alien consciousness, to deny humanity from being aware of a lower-dimensional consciousness that is hostile to human free will and sovereignty.

The elite beneficiaries that consort with Gnostic identified manipulative alien consciousness, seek to continue to use a generated “fantasy reality” that is generated by a matrix of alien-guided virtual reality inspired financial-centred decision-making.

Gnostics suggest that human elites who want to perpetuate their artificially contrived and perpetuated dominance based upon money as “Three Dimensional video game points“, rely on working for alien consciousnesses that in collusion with each other, seek to retard and deny a human spiritual awakening.

Gnostics identified organized religion as expressed through Abrahamic religions of Judaism, Christianity, and Islam as a vector to introduce a virtual reality substitution of a critical spirituality of empathy, peace, and wisdom associated with a real cosmic God, with the promotion of an “impostor God”.

John Lash specifically refers to these Abrahamic organized religion as instigating a template in the human mind, that operates like a highly advanced piece of computer software. Under the spell of this template, humans have continued to disregard the psychosis of activities that threaten their survival as poignantly symbolized by the Alberta Tar Sands.

Gnostics suggest that humanity is being mis-directed into favouring the chasing of “fantasy wealth”, and sterile “fantasy lifestyles” in relation to the Global Economy, and also toward the goals of achieving in am after-life in a “fantasy heaven“.

Prime Minister Stephen Harper along with his confederates in the House of Commons, and Big Business interests (further backed by U.S. President George W. Bush) that present the Alberta Tar Sands as leading Canadians to a “pot of gold at the end of the rainbow, is promoting an apparent “archon fantasy”.

John Lash in and his cited book, correspondingly explores the Gnostic appreciation of the extent to which humans are being motivated by these same nexus of leaders to accept conventions of “sin“, and “blind faith”, and to value dogma, under human elites acting as the agents of sophisticated artificial intelligences.

Christians like Prime Minister Stephen Harper and U.S. President George Bush supposedly follows a religion alleging that their “God” created the Earth, the Heavens and the Universe, that is the same consciousness that we are being led to believe thinks it is okay to now destroy this action of Creation, through the Tar Sands and other such initiatives?

But the Christian answer to reconcile these apparent incongruences is “blind faith”, that is designed to convince human followers of the “doctrine of the aliens” to put their “faith” in the same Gnostic represented worshipers of manipulative aliens, or risk not being saved by “God”, which is really according to the Gnostics, and artificial contrived creation of Demons.

The prevailing modern Global Economy has been apparent a creation of the mechanical consciousness that infected humanity through a social psychological virus, operating in a Three-Dimensional quasi-video simulation context in their mind, where humanity has replaced a fantasy of prosperity, with the reality of their impoverishment.

Capitalism is Not Democracy  
Recommended Books:
Capitalism is Not Democracy by Raymond Samuels II.

The Gnostics did not have video games a thousands of years ago, but were able to use their critical intellectual capabilities to appreciate the attempt by a sophisticated artificial intelligence to attempt to assimilate the human mind, into artificial simulations designed to control and exploit humanity.

The Gnostics referred to the attempt by lower-dimensional but technologically disciplined mechanical consciousness to get humanity into accepting the alleged prosperity of the Alberta Tar Sands, and other such quality-of-living threats, as an “alien intrusion”.

Humanity can re-affirm its own quality-of-survival by rejecting the virtual reality conventions of the prevailing Global Economy, while adopting a rejuvenating economic framework, which is inspired by our organic rather than alien mechanical consciousness of artificial intelligences.

Such a new organic-inspired Global Economy would reject the madness represented by such quality-of-survival destroying initiatives like the Alberta Tar Sands, in favour of, for example, the mass production of fully developed electric cars, wind energy, and all the other kinds of environmentally sensitized technologies. These are the kinds of higher-consciousness-guided technologies that the operating artificially guided intelligences have sought to repress outright, or have sought to convince us through manipulated virtual reality simulations that, as a “modern economy” we cannot possibly work toward maintaining continued “prosperity”.

The human minions of artificial intelligence use computer generated economic simulations of alleged job losses, and other such data, to fool humanity into accepting the dystopia of the need to pursue the Tar Sands project.

Quality of Living
  Recommended Books:
Quality of Living by Horace Carby-Samuels.

The books entitled the Quality-of-Living and Human Development as the Outcome from Economic Progress: An Elaboration on Living, as Time-Use Management by Horace Carby-Samuels, and Quantuum Economics: Wage Slavery or the Quality of Life? Choices in the New Economy, also co-authored by retired Professor Carby-Samuels, provides an alternative context for the development of a ‘Real Economy‘, in contrast with the prevailing “Virtual Reality-inspired Economy” Such a ‘Real Economy’ would inherently integrate the collective quality-of-survival features of humanity, without prejudice. In such a ’Real Economy’, virtual reality scenarios that include former U.S. President Ronald Reagan’s popularized “trickle-down economics”, would be replaced by an economic decision-making context that would work toward eradicating domestic and global poverty, alongside the goal of unswerving protection of Earth’s biosphere as vital and axiomatic.

This is the kind of economy that is captured in the imagination of assassinated U.S. civic leaders like Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. and Robert F. Kennedy and also of a whole generation during the late 1960’s, which based upon insights presented by John Lash, artificial intelligences through apparent human operatives had the potential and motive to repress and thwart. It appears that the kinds of artificial intelligences identified by Gnostics have been responsible for undermining the course of human evolution into a higher consciousness represented in part, by Bobby Kennedy and Dr. King Jr., and that was done through a mis-direction to support for the kinds of leadership which produces destructive initiatives like the Alberta Tar Sands.

  Map of the infamous Love Canal
Map of the infamous Love Canal in Niagara Falls in the American State of New York

Love Canal had yet to become a household name in 1978, the year that Lois Gibbs, a twenty-seven-year-old homemaker, discovered that her son’s elementary school had been built atop a 20,000-ton toxic-chemical dump in Niagara Falls, New York. Gathering her courage, she knocked on doors throughout her neighborhood, sharing information and concerns with other residents. After a two-year struggle, the Love Canal Homeowners Association Gibbs founded succeeded in persuading the federal government to relocate 833 families from the area, signaling the first major victory in a grassroots environmental movement that would launch the federal Superfund program for the cleanup of hazardous waste sites.

Lois Gibbs
Lois Gibbs.

Ms. Gibbs, is now the executive director of the Center for Health, Environment and Justice, an organization she founded in 1981.


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Written by thecanadianheadlines

November 29, 2009 at 7:07 am