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Roper organization suggests large segment of the U.S. population have been abducted

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by Geraldo Fuentes

In the typical "alien abduction," the victim is paralyzed by some unknown force, taken to a small circular room, and then examined and probed by a number of large-eyed, gray skinned, hairless, short creatures. Tissues and cells are sampled and subcutaneous implants are often installed. Special attention is focused on the genitals and rectum. This involuntary examination is often supervised by a larger non-human creature, sometimes described as female. The abductees are then returned to their beds or automobiles and awake with no memories of the encounter. If they notice anything at all, it is usually that some time has mysteriously passed.

This abduction story has been described by hundreds of people who have been placed under hypnosis by psychiatrists, psychologists and other therapists. Victims come from all corners of the globe and from every age, gender and race. For every abductee whose recollection has been liberated in therapy, there are many more who remain totally unaware of their routine encounter with aliens.

The amnesia induced by aliens is highly effective, but it comes at a price. Horrific memories can eventually emerge in vivid dreams. In fact, many victims recall being told that they will remember the abduction as "just a dream." Even with effective amnesia of the events, as this paper will show, abductees have other symptoms that can betray their unusual experiences.

John Mack, M.D., a Professor of Psychiatry at Harvard Medical School is familiar with these symptoms. His careful documentation of abductees began with his clinical exposure to what is today known as Post-traumatic Stress Disorder. This collection of symptoms can vary from strange nightmares, in which vignettes of the abduction are remembered, to full-blown and detailed recollections of the entire examination. This delayed recollection of painful memories was first seen in Vietnam veterans who repressed gruesome memories of death and the carnage of war. Abductees differ in that their memories are of personal suffering which, in many circumstances, is ongoing.

A helpful treatment for Post-traumatic Stress is the effective release of these pent-up memories through hypnosis. Dr. Mack utilized this technique almost a decade ago when patients began to seek treatment for strange, frightening dreams of big-eyed monsters, involuntary physical examinations and large chunks of forgotten time. Under hypnosis, many different patients recalled similar abduction events in great detail. Dr. Mack's patients were not faking their memories, nor did they want to believe in aliens. These first patients described their experiences long before the media made abduction stories a source of entertainment. Most just wanted relief from the nightmares and some explanation of the odd images that terrified them or made them feel "crazy." Regression therapy for abductees, like Vietnam veterans, provided some relief.

With the passing of time, an increasing number of adults were being referred to Dr. Mack by therapists who felt uncomfortable with the stories that were being recalled in therapy. It seemed clear that a growing number of Americans had been periodically abducted and examined by someone or some-"thing," and that it had been going on since their childhood. Robert Bigelow, a pioneer with Dr. Mack, was documenting the abductee phenomenon. He was curious to know exactly who the "typical" victims of this dangerous research were, and why they were chosen.

The Roper Organization

The American population is vast. With about 350 million people in the last official census, this "melting pot" contains so many races, cultures, ages and economic strata, that it is a major undertaking to find any common denominator with a traditional random sample.

When a big company, like Coca-Cola or Proctor and Gamble, decides to market a new product, the company seeks the views of the "average American" and designs its product and marketing strategies to have the widest popular appeal. A random survey is not reliable enough when millions, or billions, of dollars hang on the success of accurately reading the minds of the American populous. That's why large companies often look to The Roper Organization.

Based in New York City, The Roper Organization spends more time deciding from whom they will solicit opinions than they do asking the questions on their nation wide Limobus(TM) survey. Their demographics go far beyond the random selections based on age and gender. Roper's sample populations contain the precise percentages of each ethnic group, political affiliation and education level as is reflected in the most recent census data. From a relatively small sample, The Roper Organization can determine the preferences of hundreds of millions of American individuals. Also, their data base can often reveal subtle psychological factors that not only tell a marketer not if his product has appeal, but why.

The Limobus survey can contain hundreds of questions from a variety of companies. Subjects in their special populations are asked about their laundry, their musical tastes, their food preferences-- all mixed together with no clue as to the purpose or intent of the inquiries.

Beginning in 1992, Robert Bigelow, and an anonymous financial partner, formed The Bigelow Holding Company and inserted their own special questions in three separate Limobus surveys to learn both the number and character of alien abductees in America.

The Limobus survey questions

Since most successful abductions involve amnesia, Bigelow realized that he couldn't just ask subjects if they had been abducted by aliens. Also, since the questions would be asked in person, by an examiner, he doubted that anyone would want to admit to such an inquiry for fear of being labeled "crazy." But Bigelow knew that abductees, even before their memories were released, had certain events that they remembered and were likely to admit. These events were not shared by non-abductees.

He worked with abduction therapists to carefully craft a list of "positive indicators" and these questions were intermixed with inquiries about the scent of laundry soap, the preferred sweetness of ketchup and a number of other inquiries in three Limobus surveys.

Pre-testing the indicators had assured Bigelow and his team that they could discriminate between true victims of alien abduction and non-abductees with over-active imaginations. Positive responses to specific questions would definitely indicate an abduction had occurred. The test also had built-in questions to detect fraud. For example, a positive response to "Do you remember seeing or hearing the word TRONDANT (a word Bigelow had made up) and knowing it has a special significance to you?" would automatically eliminate the subject from consideration, regardless of other indicators.

The surprising results

The results of the Roper survey took them by surprise. The report was published and confidentially distributed to every member of The American Psychiatric Association. Thereafter it made its way to clinical psychologists and other therapists dealing with post-traumatic disorders.

 Roper's representative American sample of about 6000 adults (with a sampling error of 1.4 percent!) showed that one out of every 50 people met the profile of an abductee. This figure suggests that about 33,000,000 individuals had been abducted in America. A closer look at these specific profiles showed that these people were not "average" at all.

Who is being abducted?

The Roper Organization's previous statistics showed that about one percent of all American adults could be placed into a category they termed "influentials." Influentials were adults, ages 35 to 45, who had higher than average incomes and held positions of political or social authority. They were "trend setters," defining morality and public policy. They were leaders rather than followers. Roper surveys regularly focused on this group for a variety of clients who valued their opinions. The new survey results showed that a surprisingly large number of these "trend setters" seemed to have been abducted.


While the details of the abductee profile are best left undefined for the purposes of future diagnosis and treatment of post-traumatic syndrome, the Roper analysis showed the following positive responses to be unique:

  • Do you remember ever seeing a ghost?
  • Do you remember feeling as if you left your body?
  • Do you remember seeing a UFO?
  • Do you remember waking up paralyzed with a sense of a strange person or presence or something else in the room?
  • Do you remember feeling that you were actually flying through the air although you didn't know how or why?
  • Do you remember having seen unusual lights or balls of light in a room without knowing what was causing them?
  • Do you remember having seen, either as a child or adult, a terrifying figure-- which might have been a monster, a witch, a devil, or some other evil figure-- in your bedroom or closet or somewhere else?
  • Do you remember experiencing a period of time, an hour or more, in which you were lost, but could not remember why or where?
  • Do you remember having vivid dreams about UFO?
  •   Do you remember finding puzzling scars on your body and neither you nor anyone else remembering how you received them or where you got them?




Certain types of scars or blemishes can follow an abduction.

 (Right) A "scoop" in skin, A, appears as a non red depression and is often adjacent to a hard subcutaneous bump, B.(Ruler shows centimeters.)



The conclusions of The Roper Organization

"The Roper Organization's research on behalf of Bigelow Holding Company produced results that were unexpected by Bigelow Holding Company; chiefly because the number of people reporting occurrences of items on the list far exceeded what was anticipated, and also because the answers cut across most demographic subgroups... It is clear that significant numbers of people do report that these unusual events occurred, independent of any factors in the survey that might increase responses." [Copies of the report, Unusual Personal Experiences, may be available through The Roper Organization, 205 East 42nd Street, New York, NY 10017]

Why are abduction taking place?

The report suggested that abductees were selected across gender and ethnic lines, with a larger number than expected falling into the "influential" group. The preference for people with higher education and social awareness may be coincidental, or it may reflect a concerted effort to examine the genetic potentials of these human characteristics.

The larger than anticipated number of Americans who fit the abductee profile is difficult to understand. For this figure (33 million) to be true, the frequency of abductions taking place would surely have resulted in more conspicuous activity on the part of the "abductors." We would expect that there would be more witnesses to these abductions. However, if this activity is being conducted by a non-human, superior life form, then its methods of covert action might escape detection.

The focus of attention on skin samples and reproductive organs seems to suggest an interest in human anatomy and reproduction. If the examinations are for the benefit of the human species, the methods of involuntary intrusion and the subesequent post-trauamtic stress that many victims report, is suspicious. The effort to produce amnesia is largely successful, as this study has shown. This could support a theory that the abductors have a more comprehensive understanding of our minds than we have of ourselves. It could also indicate a genuine consideration for our well-being, similar to our use of tranquilizers when examining endangered animal species. It could well be that the abductors have a similar mission with our species.

Therapy for abductees

Abductees generally suffer from both a physical violation (similar to being raped) and psychological isolation that results from being afraid to admit-- even to themselves-- the validity of their abduction memories. This is further complicated by the reality that these events are likely to continue into the future. Dr. Mack and other therapists believe that it is important that therapists do not consider recollections of alien abductions as "crazy." He suggests that successful therapy for victims of this terrifying experience requires that repressed memories be acknowledged and accepted as true, regardless of the personal belief (or disbelief) of their therapists. Patients seem to be able to recover some sense of control over their lives when these disclosures are allowed valid expression.

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Written by thecanadianheadlines

March 8, 2010 at 3:29 am

Understanding Earth’s problems requires appreciating forces from outer space

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The Global Crisis, the quest for Empire and Extraterrestrials

by Come Carpentier de Gourdon [Excerpted]


 In the course of the last decades a growing body of evidence, compiled by a number of researchers, suggests that a very large and critically sensitive covert endeavour to understand, “reverse engineer” and harness technologies and processes possessed by extraterrestrial or alter-dimensional beings has been undertaken under the auspices of elite-driven interests.

Come Carpentier reviews some of the facts that point to this largely hidden reality on the basis of some recent books, including Michael Salla’s latest work: “The Challenge of Exopolitics”.

The Thesis

In recent years a few books have presented various facets of a hitherto largely ignored reality that seems to intrude into every aspect of our lives. I refer to the increasing likelihood that the forces at play beneath the spiritual, ecological, social, political and economic crisis that befalls us are hidden from view and remain inscrutable from a conventional rational perspective. If this exordium is mystifying, the best way to clarify what I am pointing at is to mention the titles of the books that I will use as beacons in this exposition. One is Dr. Michael Salla’s Exposing Government Policies on ET Life – The Challenge of Exopolitics (2009), another is Richard M Dolan’s UFOs and the National Security State – An Unclassified History (Vol. I- 2002), another yet is Prof. Peter Dale Scott’s Drugs, Oil and War (2003) about “Deep Politics.” I also have in mind John Perkins’s  Confessions of an Economic Hitman (2004) and Timothy Good’s Need to Know: UFOs, the Military and Intelligence, Jim Marrs’ The Alien Agenda  (1997) as well as Dr. Steven Greer’s  Hidden Truth, Forbidden Knowledge (2006), Dan Sherman’s Above Black – Project Preserve Destiny (1997) and Paola L. Harris’s various works, including the latest entitled  Exopolitics: All of the Above  (2009).

A special mention must be made of the cryptic and prophetic writing entitled Behold a Pale Horse, authored in 1991 by the late Milton William Cooper, a former Naval Intelligence Officer at the US Pacific Fleet Command, a seminal work.

In a nutshell, the theme or at least the proposition that underlies those books and connects them is that there is a secret world (or quasi-global) government which is by definition neither democratically elected nor publicly accountable, and which may have been able to connect with or tap into forces that are at least partly non-human and possibly originate outside our planet.

Though not all the cited books make the latter allegation, which some authors such as John Perkins or Peter Dale Scott may not agree with, they all bring various pieces to the puzzle we are trying to construct – or unravel, and all demonstrate and conclude that the global socio-political and “scientific” reality is not what most people are taught and subsequently believe it is.

What are, in brief, the elements of proof or the indications which lead us toward that stunning and yet not unprecedented conclusion?

1. Many authors, even among those of relatively conservative persuasion, have shown or acknowledged what Nafeez M. Ahmed calls “the increasing criminalization of the state” at the global level, but particularly applying to the most powerful or leading states, beginning with the “sole superpower” and its closest allies: the UK, Israel and other NATO members.

Ahmed asks in the same article entitled “Torture, Rendition, Terror and Oil: a Primer on Deep Politics”: “In the service of what powerful vested interests are states acting in this increasingly criminal manner?” and provides in response the definition coined by Peter D. Scott for “deep politics”: “(a system) in which institutional, non-institutional and para-political bodies, criminal syndicates, politicians, judges, media, corporations and leading government employees, resort to decision-making and enforcement procedures outside…law and society.

What makes these supplementary procedures “deep” is the fact that they are covert or suppressed, outside public awareness as well as outside sanctioned political processes” (in “Drugs, Oil and War”).

Ahmed adds that this situation generates “a form of police-crime symbiosis where the defining parameters of which side controls the other are no longer clear.” John Perkins is one of several expert witnesses who, as a former actor within the system (“an economic hit-man” as he defines himself) has documented and shown how this criminal hidden ruling structure spread its tentacles to control global economy and politics. He provides a vivid illustration of the operational methods used by the global powers-that-be, some of which were analyzed by Noam Chomsky in his books “ Manufacturing Consent ” (1988, with Edward S Herman) and “ Necessary Illusions ” (1988).

 2. Dolan, Salla, Good, Sherman, Marrs,  Harris, Greer and a host of other researchers have gathered and presented some of the massive evidence that our planet has been for many decades at least under the frequent or constant watch of intelligent highly technological “alien” (?) visitors who may or may not be “human,” but who do not belong or report to any known governments or corporate authorities in any country, and who often interfere with military, energy-producing, telecommunications, aeronautical and astronautical systems and organizations, with the apparent design to prevent any aggression from “our” side and to curtail or control our defensive and offensive capabilities.

Many nation-states have now acknowledged through the relevant official agencies or from the lips of very senior political and military leaders that they have been aware of this presence and potential threat for many years and have tried, without much if any success, to track down, study and understand the nature, origins, motives and goals of the “unknowns”.

A documentary by Jose Escamilla entitled “The Greatest Story ever denied – Proof of the Alien Presence” in one of several that provides hard and solid visual evidence from NASA and other “official” records about alien ships filmed in the atmosphere and in outer space.

3. Some researchers , especially Michael Salla and his colleagues in the realm of Exopolitics, Paola Harris, Alfred Lambremont Webre, Stephen Bassett, NASA astronaut Edgar Mitchell, Greer, Victor Viggiani and others, (supported at least in part by many “whistle blowers” and by various high level government officials such as the former Defence Minister Paul Hellyer from Canada, Admiral Lord Hill Norton, former Chief of the British Defence Staff, French Defence Minister Robert Galley and General Bernard Norlain, once Hill Norton’s counterpart in the French Air Force, the late Colonel Philip Corso from the USA, Dr. Jacques Patenet, Director of GEIPAN at the CNES (the French NASA), Prof. Jean-Claude Ribes, associate director of the National Institute for Astronomy and Geophysics, France and Nick Pope who headed the “UFO Desk” at the UK’s Ministry of Defence) have documented apparent Extratrrestrial influences on worsening socio-economic, political, and environmental issues.

The effects in our polity

Richard Dolan, one of the most “political” of the authors mentioned defines the situation very well in the preface to his aforementioned book (UFOs and the National Security State): “America is a country with a bad conscience, nominally a republic and a free society, but in reality an empire and oligarchy: vaguely aware of its own oppression.” He describes the mysterious realm of “special projects” surrounding government military UFO intelligence and research as “a project that is taking place in near complete secrecy, for purposes unknown, by entities unknown, with access to apparently substantial resources and technology.”

It is noteworthy that various highly sober and experienced professionals of space exploration as Dr. Edgar Mitchell do not dismiss such apparently incredible allegations, but rather give them the benefit of doubt. Mitchell has often gone on record to state that he is convinced of the existence of a “cabal of insiders” which controls relations with the Aliens and the study of their technologies.

About the writer:

About the writer:

Come Carpentier De Gourdon is currently the Convener of the Editorial Board of the World Affairs Journal, a quarterly publication dedicated to international issues, sponsored by the Kapur Surya Foundation (a co-sponsor of the “World Public Forum for Dialogue of Civilisations”) New Delhi, India. He has been associated with various businesses and not-for-profit organizations. They include the Nuclear Disarmament Forum and the Foundation for Global Dialog, Zug, Switzerland (in 2001-2002), the Tissot Economic Foundation of Neuchatel, Switzerland (1991-2000), the Global Commission to Finance the United Nations (from 1994 to date), the FEGAWERK Group of Companies, Switzerland (1991-1999), the Business Council for Sustainable Development (BUSCO, Paris, France, 1994-1995), Planet India Ltd. of New Delhi, India (from 1995 to date), the Conference of World Affairs of the University of Colorado in Boulder, U.S. (1985 to 1988), Orbit Productions, Washington D.C., USA (1987 to 1989), the Together Foundation for Global Unity of Caracas, Venezuela and Boulder, Colorado (1990-1992) and the Swiss Academy of Technical and Engineering Sciences (SATW)(1992-1993) among others. He is the author of numerous papers including a presentation at the 2006 World Public Forum on “The Case for Exopolitics: Ushering in a Cosmic Dialogue.” His website is: LINK

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Written by thecanadianheadlines

February 27, 2010 at 10:06 am

Famed UFO historian: Predatory extraterrestrials seek to oppress human free will

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Written by thecanadianheadlines

January 5, 2010 at 8:43 am

9/11 linked to EBEs: French author and Fox’s Fringe Show converge

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Fox’s Fringe YouTube video clip: 9/11, Manipulative Extraterrestrials and Parallel Universes

by Alfred Lambremont Webre [adapted and excerpted]

There is empirical evidence supporting the hypothesis that the events of September 11, 2001 (“9/11”), which involved attacks upon the World Trade Center in New York City, and the Pentagon in Washington, D.C., may in fact have been a hyperdimensional “false flag operation”. The hypothesis that 9/11 may be a hyperdimensional false flag operation is advanced in HIGH STRANGENESS: Hyperdimensions and the Process of Alien Abduction, a book by France-based author Laura Knight-Jadczyk.  The term “hyperdimensional” means “of or pertaining to a system having more dimensions than naturally found in our universe.”  “False flag operations” are defined as “covert operations conducted by governments, corporations, or other organizations, which are designed to deceive the public in such a way that the operations appear as though they are being carried out by other entities. The name is derived from the military concept of flying false colors; that is, flying the flag of a country other than one’s own. False flag operations are not limited to war and counter-insurgency operations, and have been used in peace-time; for example, during Italy’s strategy of tension.”

The model of 9/11 which a “critical channeling” research source sets out in Knight-Jadczyk’s book holds that the events of September 11, 2001 were in fact a “hyperdimensional false flag operation”, created with converging planning and involvement of a 3rd density “consortium” of corrupt human military and elites and 4th density hostile reptilian (hyperdimensional) Extraterrestrials. The purpose of this series of investigative articles is to examine the evidence supporting this hypothesis about 9/11.

According to the hyperdimensional model, 3rd density refers to the space-time dimension of reality that we humans conventionally inhabit.  In the 4th density, time is no longer the regulating dimension it is in our 3rd density, and 4th density beings can travel backward and forwards in time, thus facilitating intervention in 3rd density human public affairs.

This series of articles will investigate 9/11 as a possible hyperdimensional false flag event, including the empirical evidence for (1) 9/11 as a false flag operation by a “consortium” of corrupt human military and elites; (2) the use of exotic weapons in the 9/11 false flag operation; (3) the possibility use of hyperdimensional weapons in the false flag event of 9/11; (4) the evidence for joint operations and agreements between a  “consortium” of corrupt human military and elites and hyperdimensional predatory reptilian 4 D Extraterrestrials; (5) how the war crimes network behind the 9/11 false flag event can be brought to justice; (6) how to diminish the destabilizing influence of 4D predatory reptilian Extraterrestrials in human public affairs.

Because of space limitations, this article is limited to evidence for (1) 9/11 as a false flag operation by a “consortium” of corrupt human military and elites.  Other components of this investigative series will be covered in future articles. 

9/11 as a hyperdimensional false flag operation

As elucidated in a previous article, Laura Knight-Jadczyk’s hypothesis is that a predatory reptilian Extraterrestrial group is targeting our 3rd density human civilization with de-stabilizing events such at the false flag operation of September 11, 2001 in order to ultimately replace our present human civilization with a hybrid reptilian race. 

Included in the de-stabilizing targeting operations by predatory reptilian hyperdimensional ETs, is a program of alien abductions sponsored by the 4th density reptilians, and carried out the by 3rd density Gray alien surrogates and black operations of within the military-intelligence world.  By one scientific study, up to 6.3 million Americans, or 2% of the U.S. population has been abducted under this hyperdimensional reptilian ET program.

The 9/11 “hyperdimensional false flag operation” model is consistent with empirical evidence gathered at the crime scenes of the 9/11 attacks.  (1) There is compelling evidence that the September 11, 2001 attacks on the World Trade Center and the Pentagon were a false flag operation conducted by a corrupt military and elite international war crimes racketeering network (“consortium”) using advanced exotic weapons, for the purpose of launching an international war of aggression (War on Terror) and imposing a domestic police state (martial law) worldwide.  (2) There is also preliminary evidence of a hyperdimensional involvement in the 9/11 attacks.

If the 9/11 hyperdimensional false flag operation is in any degree factual or true, such a conclusion would have far-reaching implications in any deep analysis of the forces shaping important current world public events, such as the 9/11-inspired War on Terror (2001 – present), and 9/11 inspired domestic police state measures such as the PATRIOT Act in the United States and similar martial law legislation elsewhere.

The 9/11 hyperdimensional model, involving the interaction and coordination of a 3rd density powerful human “consortium” and hostile 4th density Extraterrestrials with whom this consortium has working agreements, also would explain why the mysteries of 9/11 have not been successfully explained to date, either by (co-opted) official investigations, or a community of 9/11 researchers, working world-wide since September 11, 2001, to solve the crimes of 9/11 within a conventional 3D science paradigm.

This exclusive article presents a convergence of science-based evidence about a possible 9/11 hyperdimensional false flag operation not presented elsewhere. The article seeks to investigate new pathways significant step in moving toward a solution of the 9/11 crimes which until now have seemed unsolvable by official bodies, parliamentary initiatives, and a wide, planetary 9/11 research community.

The leaders of the G-20 Nations and most of the other 192 United Member nations and organizations continue publicly to support programs of international wars of aggression and domestic homeland security (police state) measures worldwide by publicly referring to “the terrorist attacks on 9/11” as a pretext. 

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Written by thecanadianheadlines

January 5, 2010 at 3:12 am

Russian media hides link between Kremlin UFO pyramid and Norway light spiral

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Written by thecanadianheadlines

January 5, 2010 at 1:38 am

Witnesses make report on UFO technology

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  Manipulative Extraterrestrials and Mind Control

Controlling the mind of the enemy is the ultimate weapon in any warfare. Apparently, a collection of researchers seek to interpret mind control techniques used by the UFOs and the extraterrestrials, not necessarily for the “good“ of humanity.

Variations of these techniques were regularly used in ancient wars, in legends and ancient religious mythologies, that were apparent in contact with various Manipulative Extraterrestrial groups.

Mind dominance is a method used…

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Written by thecanadianheadlines

January 4, 2010 at 11:16 pm

UFOs, EBEs, and the Time-Space continuum

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by Paul Chen


Alex Collier, an alleged celebrity contactee of Ethical Extraterrestrials, suggests that Earth, in our time-space continuum is a manipulated alternative reality. In other words, Earthbound humanity did not originate in this time-space continuum. The recently published article published in The Canadian titled Albert Einstein and Parallel Earths: Celebrity contactee links New World Order to Manipulative Extraterrestrials, LINK, details the context of Alex Collier’s allegations.

Mr. Collier imputes from his alleged contact with Ethical Extraterrestrials who are concerned with the plight of humanity, that a clique of Nazis, in humanity’s “native reality” used the development of some sort of “stargate” technology, to let Manipulative Extraterrestrials into our native reality.

Allegedly these Nazis in concert with Manipulative Extraterrestrials, in “the original 1931”, then went back in time, to the beginnings of human history, and then forward in time, to alter the course of human events.

The result almost led to the victory of Hitler’s Nazi Germany, in the alleged alternative reality, that we are apparently experiencing in this time-continuum. Alex Collier suggests that, this time-space continuum is being scripted by a combined Nazi and Manipulative Extraterrestrial demonic consciousness, that seeks to use techniques of fear and mass-deception, for the joint pursuit of a ego-driven and greed-oriented agenda. The implications of Mr. Collier allegations is that in order to avoid a destructive megalomaniacal agenda against humankind, humanity must wake up, and free itself from the alleged manipulation of this time-space continuum, to avoid a destructive megalomaniacal agenda against humankind.





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Written by thecanadianheadlines

January 4, 2010 at 10:56 pm

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UFO cults influenced Adolf Hitler’s Global War agenda, scholars suggest

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Edited by Jane Davis

  Adolf Hilter
Adolf Hilter.

When Adolf Hitler spread his message of hatred, genocide, and oppression, as having been “inspired” by a blond race of superhuman warriors referred to as “Aryans”, it is assumed through historical accounts that this was simply the contrived mythology of a “madman”. These same accounts omit representation that Adolf Hilter was a member of demonic UFO cult worshipping cabals, and was an apparent UFO contactee, by the same Extraterrestrial group which Hilter sought to glorify. “The Nazis themselves claimed that an extraterrestrial society was the source of their ideology and the power behind their organization,” LINK. Nazi mysticism, indeed, was reportedly a direct product of cult worship to Manipulative Extraterrestrials. The “Nazis referred to their hidden extraterrestrial masters as underground “supermen.” Hitler believed in the “supermen” and claimed that he had once met one of them, as did other members of the Thule leadership.” LINK

Some reports also allege that Adolf Hitler escaped capture by the U.S. and its Allies with the assistance of Manipulative Extraterrestrials. Indeed historical records affirm that Hitler was never found by the Allies. His suicide was originally concocted to quell mass concern that such an individual could have escaped to pursue another World War. Indeed reports suggests that Nazis were preparing for World War III, before the dust hardly settled with their “temporary setback” of World War II defeat.

The Nazis said that their “supermen” resided beneath the Earth’s surface and were the creators of “the Aryan race”. Aryans therefore in Adolf Hitler’s reasoning, constituted the world’s only “pure” race and all other people were viewed as “inferior genetic mutations”. The Nazis under the reported guidance of Manipulative Extraterrestrials planned to “re-purify” humanity by committing genocide against anyone who was not an Aryan. Top Nazi leaders believed that the underground “supermen” would return to the surface of the Earth to rule it as soon as the Nazis began their racial purification program and established the Thousand Year Reich.

These Nazi beliefs are very similar to other religions apparently also guided by Manipulative Extraterrestrials that teach people to prepare for the future return of supernatural beings who will reign over a “Utopian Earth”. As in other such religions, the coming of the Nazi “supermen” would coincide with a great final “divine judgment.” Nazi mysticism indeed earned the support of Christian leaders, who shared what Gnostic referred to as influence by demonic consciousness linked to a “false God”.

Of the “divine judgment,” Hitler had declared in court during his early Nazi days:

The [Nazi] army we have formed is growing from day to day. I nourish the proud hope that one day the hour will come when these rough companies will grow into battalions, the battalions to regiments, the regiments to divisions, that the old cockade [ribbon or rosette worn on a hat as a badge] will be taken from the mud, that the old flags will wave again, that there will be a reconciliation at the last great divine judgment which we are prepared to face. LINK

Critical historical accounts have linked Adolf Hitler, and other high ranking Nazis as having communicated with self-anointed “Nordic gods” who were a part constituency of Manipulative Extraterrestrials which to Gnostics disciples of Jesus were identified as “demons.” This is where the “National Socialist” image of the ideal man/woman and the program of eugenics apparently originated. Adolf Hilter was apparently ordered to infiltrate the National Socialist German Workers Party; in order to counter anti-military sentiments of the defeated working class, into a populist movement which in turn would worship the demonic consciousnesses of Manipulative Extraterrestrials.

Though he lost the war, eventually, Manipulative Extraterrestrials apparently communicated with Nazis that “those chosen by Satan will follow with success in establishing a “Fourth Reich.” “Four” is the number of Satan/Enki. Hitler saw the ideal human in Satan and his demons who are of the extra-terrestrial race who looked like human beings with very tall statures, light blonde hair and blue eyes.”

Nazi technology is also alleged to have been disseminated under guidance by Manipulative Extraterrestrials. “…the Nazis had everything before any other country, they had radar in 1933, they had infra-red sensors, heavy water, etc., etc. We have been told lie after lie in terms of who invented these things. If anyone in the world had access to ‘alien’ technology it was the… ‘Aryans’ [Nazis].” LINK

Hitler did not really commit suicide as some official historical accounts have suggested

In 1952, Dwight D. Eisenhower said: “We have been unable to unearth one bit of tangible evidence of Hitler’s death. Many people believe that Hitler escaped from Berlin.” When President Truman asked Joseph Stalin at the Potsdam conference in 1945 whether or not Hitler was dead, Stalin replied bluntly, ‘No.’ Stalin’s top army officer, Marshall Gregory Zhukov, whose troops were the ones to occupy Berlin, flatly stated after a long thorough investigation in 1945: “We have found no corpse that could be Hitler’s.”

The chief of the U.S. trial counsel at Nuremberg, Thomas J. Dodd, said: “No one can say he is dead.” Major General Floyd Parks, who was commanding general of the U.S. sector in Berlin, stated for publication that he had been present when Marshall Zhukov described his entrance to Berlin, and Zhukov stated he believed Hitler might have escaped. Lt. Gen. Bedell Smith, Chief of Staff to Gen. Eisenhower in the European invasion and later Director of the CIA, stated publicly on Oct. 12, 1945, “No human being can say conclusively that Hitler is dead.” Col. W. J. Heimlich, former Chief, United States Intelligence, at Berlin, stated for publication that he was in charge of determining what had happened to Hitler and after a thorough investigation his report was: “There was no evidence beyond that of HEARSAY to support the THEORY of Hitler’s suicide.” He also stated, “On the basis of present evidence, no insurance company in America would pay a claim on Adolph Hitler.”

An article in November, 1949, says “The Nazis went underground, May 16, 1943!” and details an alleged meeting at the residence of Krupp von Bohlen-Halbach, the head of I. G. Farben and agents said that in the aftermath of World War II, Nazis gone underground were planning for “for WORLD WAR III.” Another article in August, 1952, entitled “HITLER DID NOT DIE,” subtitled “Adolph Hitler’s fake suicide in his Berlin Bunker now is exposed as History’s greatest hoax! Positive evidence comes to light that Hitler did not die — here’s new evidence that Hitler is alive, directing [the] Nazi underground, today!”

On a Canadian Broadcasting Corporation program called “As It Happens,” September 17th, 1974 at 7:15 p.m., a Prof. Dr. Ryder Saguenay, oral surgeon from the Dental Faculty of the University of California at Los Angeles, said that Hitler had ordered a special plane to leave from Berlin with all medical and dental records, especially X-rays, of all top Nazis for an unknown destination. He said that the dental records used to identify Hitler’s body were drawn from MEMORY by a dental assistant, who reportedly disappeared and was never found.

An editorial in “Zig Zag,” Santiago, Chile, January 16, 1948, STATES that on April 30th, 1945, Flight Captain Peter Baumgart took Adolf Hitler, his wife Eva Braun, as well as a few loyal friends by plane from Tempelhof Airport to Tondern in Denmark [still German controlled]. From Tondern, they took another plane to Kristiansund in Norway [also German controlled]. From there they joined a SUBMARINE convoy, [“U.F.O. Letzte Geheimwaffe des III Reiches,” Mattern, pp. 50-51] .

The Jewish writer Michael Bar-Zohar in “The Avengers,” p. 99, said: “In 1943 Admiral Doenitz had declared: “The German U-boat fleet is proud to have made an earthly paradise, an impregnable fortress for the Fuhrer, somewhere in the world.” He did not say in what part of the world it existed, but fairly obviously it was in South America.”

The German writer Mattern said that Admiral Doenitz told a graduating class of naval cadets in Kiel in 1944: “The German Navy has still a great role to play in the future. The German Navy knows all hiding places for the Navy to take the Fuhrer to, should the need arise. There he can prepare his last measures in complete quiet.” LINK

If one accepts the report that Nazi Germany as having been influenced by Manipulative Extraterrestrials, which reportedly have acquired access to technologies which have significantly lengthened their life spans, then it is plausible that indoctrinated followers of Manipulative Extraterrestrials may have been granted similar access to such advanced technologies. Such technological access would help Nazis realise their reportedly sought ambitions to seek to reclaim a global conquest in a sought World War III.

Written by thecanadianheadlines

December 29, 2009 at 8:29 pm

UFO sightings linked to possible time-space interference against human free will

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by Peter Tremblay

Photos taken of ancient hieroglyphics on different visits by individuals to Egypt, distinctively show a military-looking helicopter, an aeroplane, a submarine, and even some kind of alien spacecraft. Photos which accompany this article, were further documented to have been taken in 1996 and 1997.

Ancient Egyptian hieroglyphics that show a military-looking helicopter constitute apparent evidence of time travel related to Manipulative Extraterrestrial infiltration of Earthbound human society.

The glyphs suggest that Extraterrestrials have shown an interest and have demonstrated the capability to rule over humanity. The glyphs also suggest that similar technologies today, that apparently existed thousands of years ago, may have originated from a similar source. Indeed, Dr. Michael Salla has suggested the current existence of military-industrial-extraterrestrial complex that has access to “exotic technologies” which include time-travel. If these technologies existed thousands of years ago, wouldn’t time travel by a related group account for the re-introduction of the same technologies?

Retired NATO Commander, Rhodes Scholar, and four-star general Wes Clark — who made a late October 2003 entry in the 2004 U.S. Presidential race following a successful draft campaign — made comments in reference to “time travel” as an important area of research that was quite attainable. Perhaps according to scholarly testimony like Dr. Salla, and other researchers of UFO phenomenon, such technology has already been developed, this LINK

Bill Hobbs further records that Clark said on the U.S. Presidential campaign trial, that he thinks that time travel is possible and that it will be accomplished. And he strongly implied that as president, he would openly allocate federal money to develop it. LINK Indeed, if such an “exotic technology” was already developed, then the elites who presided over any such technology would be able to evaluate the American public’s reaction to such information.

Could time travelling manipulative extraterrestrials that presided over the destruction of previous human civilizations, use time travel as a means of selectively seeking to influence sentient races at different stages of the technological development of various planetary civilizations?

In 1848, one of numerous archaeological expeditions working in Egypt discovered strange hieroglyphs at the height of about ten metres right above the entrance to the Seti Temple in Abydos. The walls were apparently covered with the strange signs that greatly puzzled researchers. The only thing the researchers realized at once was that they had discovered some images of strange mechanisms that nobody ever saw before.

“The archaeological expedition carefully copied the mysterious signs on the temple walls, and the hieroglyphs gave rise to endless disputes and heated debates among Egyptologists. As a result, majority of Egyptologists arrived at a conclusion at that time that there were just strange objects drawn in different variations, ” documents the Russian newspaper Pravda. LINK

Researchers of the 19th century failed to understand what ancient Egyptians actually drew on the temple walls. Like any sensation the mysterious Abydos hieroglyphs were absolutely forgotten some time later.

In about 150 years, the respectable Arab newspaper Al-Sharq Al-Awsat published several evocative photos taken in the Amon Ra Temple in Karnak. At that, the newspaper asked its readers whether they believed that ancient Egyptians knew about battle aviation. The photos showed an ancient artist(s) engraved a battle helicopter with a distinct rotor and a tail unit. Nearby, the artist depicted several other aircrafts astonishingly resembling contemporary supersonic fighters and heavy strategic bombers.

The Russian article from Pravda titled “Ancient Egyptians used helicopters and airplanes for battles?” documents that “After the thought provoking publication of the photos it became clear why Egyptologists of the 19th century could not tell what was depicted on the walls of the temple in Abydos.” LINK.

Indeed, the nineteenth century researchers did not know how helicopters and aircrafts look.

Well-known Egyptologist Alan Alford left to the Nile banks to study the Abydos mystery. The researcher studied the mysterious hieroglyphs and made sure that what seemed absolutely incredible was in fact quite real. Alford told journalists that ancient Egyptians had depicted a real helicopter model as if they made the engravings from life. LINK Some of the depictions by artists thousands of years ago, are still apparently unknown.

These photos were met with the usual attempts by operatives of a modern era, who are paid by the Establishment, and who operate in a cloak of secrecy, to spin an accompanying web of deceit and dis-information. LINK

These photos are further accompanied by archaeological findings in Egypt of alien skulls attributed to an oppressive apparent human-extraterrestrial hybrid race. Professor Zecharia Sitichin’s research further supports eyewitness accounts by indigenous and other peoples, about numerous skulls of human-extraterrestrial hybrid race that have been photographed.

Joel Mills in the process of producing the CD-ROM “The Secrets of Stargate.” sought to collect photographs of giant skulls of apparent human-extraterrestrial hybrid races. These skulls were later apparently censored from the producing of the CD-ROM. Notwithstanding this “these skulls are so numerous in the area of the Nasca desert in South America, that you can find small makeshift museums in the backyards of the locals.”

Mr. Mills believed that these alien skulls and related artefacts proved that original Stargate film (1994) of an interseller time teleportation mechanism could be not simply some sort of science fiction fantasy.

Wikpedia documents that the film and later developed television series was based upon the following storyline:

  “The United States civilian government holds the Stargate’s existence a secret, so story lines present no contradiction between the episode’s events and reality. In the story, many Earth mythologies are in fact based upon events involving aliens who visited or controlled Earth civilizations in the distant past.”

Posing as gods, Manipulative Extraterrestrials were presented as enslaving the inhabitants of ancient Egypt, creating its culture and religion. These malevolent aliens were presented as using Stargates to move labourers from Earth to other habitable planets. The aliens were also depicted as being forced to flee Earth following a successful rebellion by the humans, and the Stargate was buried and forgotten until its rediscovery in Giza, Egypt, 1928.

Adolf Hilter has been historically documented as being a member of the UFO oriented Thule society, before his rise to power. Nazi Germany was allegedly inspired from his contacts with representatives of alleged Great Pyramid inspiring Extraterrestrial “Aryan” civilizations. This has been documented in the article titled, “The Aliens of the Golden Dawn”. LINK

In the book entitled The Dawn of Magic by Louis Pauwells and Jacques Bergier first published in France under the title Le Matin des Magiciens 1960, Hitler was documented as having indicated: “The new man is living amongst us now! He is here!” exclaimed Hitler, triumphantly… I will tell you a secret. I have seen the new man. He is intrepid and cruel. I was afraid of him.” LINK

Did the same group of time-travelling Extraterrestrials that provide military technology that were drawn on the Egyptian glyphs, also seek to funnel technology to Adolf Hitler’s Nazi Germany so as to effectuate an agenda to run planet Earth as “Aryan” custodial gods, over the enslaving of humanity?

Local guides in Peru explained their church leaders feel the skulls of apparent ancient ruling castes of human-alien hybrids, are “the work of the devil”, and the offspring of the fallen angels in the Bible.

With this in mind, learned scholar and author John Lash in documents ancient Gnostics as seeking to warn humanity about intelligent inorganic life possessing demonic consciousness that were presented in Gnostic cosmology to be Archons or “fallen angels”.

Findings prove that the Archonic rulers of these apparently technologically advanced societies, shared the common bond of huge skulls and brains that probably provided them with highly developed intellectual capabilities. This information has been allegedly shared by secret societies and religious leaders for hundreds of years. These pictures have been described by viewers as showing “proof of beings from another world” interacting with humans LINK

Egypt’s King Akhenaton and his daughters were allegedly proud of their “distinct features” (elongated skulls) and the true facts of this royal family are shrouded in controversy. LINK.

Some historians paid by the Establishment to create dis-information, point out that the giant skulls of this family are simply a deformity caused by inbreeding. Others discount this and claim that it is the art style of the Armana period. LINK.

Ignatius Donnelly in his book entitled Atlantis, The Antedeluvian World explores historical accounts of a Continent that existed in the middle of the Atlantic Ocean that sank into the sea. He documents that before it sank, the apparent Human-Manipulative Extraterrestrial hybrid rulers left for Egypt, Mexico and Peru and became rulers of newfound apocalyptical empires with Great Pyramids, that were based around oppressive religious-militaristic cults. He found information about elongated apparent alien-human hybrid skulls hidden in the Library of Congress in Washington. Perhaps “the sinking” of Atlantis had something to do with a military attempt of these alien-human hybrids to seize and take control of Atlantis as an allegedly highly advanced human civilization?

Alberto Fujimori
Former Peruvian President Alberto Fujimori had advocated the release of official photographic documentation of the apparent skulls of an alien-human hybrid ruling caste.

When President Alberto Fujimori took power in Peru he had decided to allow the skulls to be photographed. The Peruvian government had indicated to a researcher that “these unusual skulls could be found in many museums in Peru and excavations were uncovering them even now near the Nasca Plateau.” LINK.

Brad Steiger’s book entitled Worlds Before our Own presented evidence that previous earth civilizations were destroyed possibly by very sophisticated nuclear weapons, in a catastrophic war on Earth of intergalactic proportions, involving different alien civilizations . If this is the case, then these glyps corroborate Dr. Salla’s research of a military-industrial-extraterrestrial complex that once again may be taking humanity into a path of planetary destruction for whatever alien agenda might exist.

Dr. Salla in “A Report on the Motivations and Activities of Extraterrestrial Races – A Typology of the Most Significant Extraterrestrial Races Interacting with Humanity” in Exopolitics, revised January 1, 2005 documents that Clifford Stone, a retired U.S. army Sergeant who served in the U.S. Army for 22 years and participated in covert operations to retrieve crashed extraterrestrial ships and extraterrestrial biological entities (EBE’s), revealed there were a total of 57 extraterrestrial races known by UFO and Extraterrestrial dis-information operatives. LINK.

Dr. Salla further reveals that apparent Manipulative Extraterrestrials (in contrast with socially responsible and Ethical Extraterrestrials) have sought to introduce military technologies through ego and greed driven elites, that have literally sold their soul to gain access to these technologies. Dr. Salla indicates that Manipulative Extraterrestrials having exploited short-sighted human elites, have instigated a “range of systemic global problems.”

Indeed, if there are, for example, baseball and football players as well as track and field stars, who are willing to sell out their personal health by taking steroids in order to get more money and in their apparent view, “more glory, just think how many corrupt human politicians, in turn, would be correspondingly willing to similarly sell out their soul to manipulative aliens in their quest for their sought prize of short-sighted planetary power.

Dr. Salla’s further documents alleged interactions between Manipulative extraterrestrial races and empire-driven human elites as having “reached agreements with, and even collaborated in a number of joint projects.”

Gary McKinnon in a Wired Magazine article titled “‘UFO Hacker’ Tells What He Found” indicates that, “I also got access to Excel spreadsheets. One was titled “Non-Terrestrial Officers.” Mr. McKinnon uncovered what he indicated appeared to be orbiting alien spacecraft, that would then be systematically airbrushed out of high resolution satellite images.

Could nuclear weapons itself, which human elites now seek to threaten Iran toward a global nuclear holocaust, also have been introduced through human elite collaborations with manipulative alien toward a global conquest agenda?

Secrets of the Lost Races writer Rene Noorbergen reveals scientific research on ancient Pyramids that have been in turn linked to Human-Extraterrestrial hybrid races, have also demonstrated traces of nuclear radiation consistent with a pre-historic nuclear war.

In South America the Brazilian ruins of Sete Ciddaes are enormously revealing. Author Noorbergen in Secrets of the Lost Races writes of “ruins melted by apocalyptic energies…”! Elsewhere, in Mesopotamia sizeable ziggurats — a form of early pyramid — have been found melted to their base in a vitrified mass! LINK.

In the article “Nuclear Wars in Antiquity”, by author Harry Hinde further documents the following:

“In the Arabian desert blackened stones litter the sands over a wide area, showing signs of having been subjected to intense radiation. In Israel the location of the Dead Sea and it’s mysterious connection with Sodom and Gomorrah bears evidence of an amazing focus of heat that is thought to have gouged out the entire area in a massive explosion. Vitrified rock created under intense pressure, is a frequent discovery, and in 1952 archaeologists discovered a vitrified area of sand that stretched out over hundreds of square feet! Apparently deposits like this are similar to those left behind at the White Sands atomic testing site in America.” LINK.

“In fact wherever we look in the world the baffling enigma of vitrified ruins challenges our intellect! From Peru, to Scotland and Scandinavia; to the plateau’s of China and India, this indelible evidence attests to some undeniably violent act.” LINK.

Erich von Daniken’s Chariots of the Gods? has presented theories of ancient astronauts constituting a possible intergalactic alien invasion force, landing on Earth. Von Daniken links Great Pyramid like structures on Mars to similar looking Great Pyramids on Earth, as the alleged basis of fascistic alien colonies on Earth. The well-documented humanoid face on Mars — that has apparently been also subsequently subjected to elite-directed air-brushing toward an alien disinformation campaign — has also been cited as evidence of malevolent alien migrations to Earth.

Rene Noorbergen further documents charred ruins to be found between the River Ganges in India and the mountains of Rajamahal. “The walls have been glazed, corroded, and split by tremendous heat. Within several of the buildings that remain standing even the surfaces of the stone furniture have been vitrified: melted then crystallised. No natural burning flame or volcanic eruption could have produced heat intense enough to cause this phenomenon. Only the heat released through atomic energy could have done this damage.” Also in this same region a human body was discovered with a radioactivity “which was fifty times above the normal level”. LINK

  Apparent skull of alien-human hybrid
Apparent skull of alien-human hybrid ruling caste of ancient society are reportedly prevelant in Peru, and have also been found by researchers in Egypt.

Mr Lash is documents, that Gnostic research uncovered intrusion by intelligent inorganic Manipulative Extraterrestrials that are native to other planets in Earth’s solar system that sought to instigate violence among humans in a “divide, conquest and rule” agenda. Manipulative aliens through opportunistic time periods of terrestrial conflicts on Earth, would likely find many zealot human elites willing to do anything in order to acquire military technology to destroy each other for their own conquest agenda with “hybrid” confederates. Mr. Lash documents the extent to which alien-inspired organized religion has provided a context for sowing bigotries, and an ensuing culture of violence, that can “ripen” into the kind of militarism which now shapes American foreign policy.

The so-called “War on Terror” could be in fact an Manipulative Extraterrestrial ruse for an evolving alien agenda, against human rights, spiritual free will, and sovereignty. Appreciating Manipulative Extraterrestrial intrusion on the development of human civilization could very well illuminate such catastrophes from the Holocaust against the Jews, the genocide in Rwanda where human elites turned their back on, and on-goings acts of oppression and barbarity on our planet.

Mr. Lash cites Gnostics as having illuminated that individuals who seek to appreciate Manipulative Extraterrestrial infiltration of Earthbound human society must introspectively come to grips with what it means to be human. After doing that through a process of critical inner spiritual reflection (free of externally imposed alien inspired organized religious dogma) individuals can readily be able to also detect Manipulative Extraterrestrial infiltration.

Adult human beings can observe the human spirit in its rawest form as being manifested in the newborn infant that smiles and that seeks to reach out to other human beings in a spirit of empathy, free of bigotry and the violence, that has been conditioned through alien-inspired organized religions.

Extraterrestrial infiltration of humanity is evident among subsequent development of certain constituencies of human beings who are driven by exploitation, greed, and violence, and who then seek to oppressively lash out at other human beings to perpetuate their alien-induced exploitation agenda.

Brad Steiger suggests that humans must learn the mistakes committed in the past in an apparent previous cycle(s) on nuclear and general apocalyptical destruction, in order to avoid humanity being once again manipulated into an elite-inspired agenda of exploitation, oppression, and destruction.

Written by thecanadianheadlines

December 29, 2009 at 8:25 pm

Totalitarian Communism linked to Manipulative Extraterrestrials

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by Dr. John Singh

  Joseph Stalin and Adolf Hitler

Gary Zeitlin documents in that Manipulative Extraterrestrials use the counterfeit spirituality of religion and the alienated context of materialistic securalism, to keep humanity corralled into a certain plane of thought, that complements the agenda of regressive aliens. The application of that logic suggests that totalitarian communism may have been orchestrated not to compete against Western capitalism, but in long run, to reinforce Western capitalism, and a New World Order agenda.

This may sound crazy until one critically reads research on techniques of mind control, documented by Gary Zeitlin and other investigative researchers. Indeed, elites working with a leader like Joseph Stalin who rose to the pinnacle of Soviet power, are responsible for the barbaric killing of over 20 million people of the Soviet Empire. John Lash’s research on the Gnostics, suggests that Manipulative Extraterrestrials called “archons” as “trojan horses”, seek to infiltrate human institutions. David Icke’s testimony inspires consideration on whether signs of activity, that is voided on basic human decency do not suggest the work of an alien intruder, operating in a mimicked human form, using the simple technology of virtual reality.

By socially engineering totalitarian communism, Manipulative Extraterrestrials referred to by Pagan Gnostics in John Lash’s research as being “Archons”, could then demonize any rejection of their inspired capitalist ethic, as being also tantamount to accepting the “only alternative” in the form of Stalin-inspired communism.

By destroying examples of humanistic oriented and consensually-driven indigenous societies, which include the Iroquois Confederacy, regressives alien might have correspondingly sought to further repress critical societal consciousness of a viable alternative to the eugenic inspired capitalist society. In the case of Stalin, the brutality of his regime showed the brutality and accompanying mass deception techniques described by Dr. John Lash as operating norms of the “Archons”.

Nazi Germany and UFO

Adolf Hitler, another dictator that ruled over Nazi Germany, in the same era of Joseph Stalin, has been documented as acting as an operative of Manipulative Extraterrestrials, in the perpetration of Crimes Against Humanity, which include the Holocaust. Adolf Hilter has been historically documented as being a member of the UFO oriented Thule society, before his rise to power. Nazi Germany was allegedly inspired from his contacts with representatives of alleged Great Pyramid inspiring Extraterrestrial “Aryan” civilizations. This has been documented in the article titled, “The Aliens of the Golden Dawn”. LINK.

In the book entitled The Dawn of Magic by Louis Pauwells and Jacques Bergier, first published in France under the title Le Matin des Magiciens 1960, Hitler was documented as having indicated: “The new man is living amongst us now! He is here!” exclaimed Hitler, triumphantly… I will tell you a secret. I have seen the new man. He is intrepid and cruel. I was afraid of him.” LINK

Was Hitler the only dictator at the time that could have been facilitating a short and long term regressive alien agenda against humankind? Do Hitler and Stalin that executed eugenics against their populations, both demonstrate a shared influence from an alien lower-dimensional consciousness? Dr. Michael Salla, Dr. John Lash and David Icke inspire re-considering Off-world influences on the course of human history.

  Stalin advanced “the notion that mercilessness is a virtue” by killing more than 20 million of his own people during his quarter-century reign of terror. No single ethnic or religious group was singled out for execution exclusively. Stalin’s enemy was humanity. “No man,” he said, “no problem.” LINK

In “Koba the Dread,” Mr. Amis sifts through the corpus of Stalinism (“several yards” of books). Here is “the surreal moral gangrene of Stalinism”: the story of “a mad gymnast of multiple deceit” amid “a typhoon of unreason” that he unleashed.

This was life under Stalin: orphans were shot en masse and 4 million children were killed during collectivization — in every sense a mini-Holocaust that quietly occurred between 1929 and 1933. The 1937 census board was ordered put to death, for “treasonably exerting themselves to diminish the population of the USSR.” Even the secret police were jailed and killed, in Mr. Amis’s words, to “terrorize the terrorizers, to pile terror upon terror.”

Here’s how Stalin treated his hometown crowd: of the 644 delegates to the Georgian party congress in May of 1937, 425 were either shot or sent to the gulag. And the founder of the state had his eyes plucked out and his eardrums perforated while his wife was forced to watch.

On October 10, 1937, a woman named Lyubov Vasilievana Shaporina wrote in her diary: “The nausea rises to my throat when I hear how calmly people say it: he was shot, someone else was shot, shot, shot. The words resonate through the air. People pronounce the words completely calmly, as though they were saying, ‘he went to the theatre.’”

Within five years of Lenin’s death in 1924, Stalin had managed to firmly entrench himself in the role of indisputable ruler of the Soviet Union. His brutality was unremitting. In the late twenties, when agricultural production didn’t meet expectations, he expropriated grain from peasants causing a widespread famine. In the 1930s, he launched a reign of political terror that led to purges, arrests, deportations and executions. And he stage-managed show trials of his former political rivals who were put to death. All told, thousands of party, industrial, and military leaders disappeared during his “Great Terror.” LINK

John Lash documents that “in the Gnostic view of human society, the Archons are alien forces that act through authoritarian systems.” LINK The Archons and regressive “cyborg-like” artificial intelligences and inorganic beings according to ancient Gnostic texts, inhabit the solar system that surrounds Earth, outside of our biosphere. As regressive aliens, the Gnostics identified the “archons” as being ego-driven psycho-spiritual parasites, that feed off negative energy from human fear, death and destruction. Apparently, Gnostic identified archons are lower-dimensional artificial intelligences, that seek to pursue a social control agenda, through deceptive virtual reality ruses that can enable the continued exploitation against humanity for negative energy.

  Soviet Reichstag

The inspiring of the totalitarian communist reign of terror against humanity, would have provided such alleged entities with the negative energy these apparent entities seek; while also providing ideological fodder by human operatives seeking to maintain the more social psychologically invasive and correspondingly oppressive alien-inspired capitalist system.

Gnostic representation of such regressive aliens as being entities capable of time travel, suggests that Earthbound humans who exist on a linear time plane of existence, could be actively manipulated into a currently pre-determined course, in support of a regressive alien agenda. Keeping humanity from rejecting an alien capitalist system, according to Dr. Lash’s, Dr. Salla’s and David Icke’s research, through the contriving of a communist atrocities, could plausibly have been part of a long term manipulation strategy. Indeed the threat of “Marxist-Communism” has become a favoured propaganda tool for capitalist elites who are seeking to deny basic human rights, and also labour rights in the workplace; social justice, environmental protection; and other… [CONTINUED.. see comment below]

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Written by thecanadianheadlines

December 29, 2009 at 9:20 am